Acta Scientific Otolaryngology (ASOL)

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 1

The Role of Local Treatment in Recurrent and Persistent Cases of Rhinisinusitis without Polyposis

Hany Amin*, Ahmed Abdel Ghani, Moustafa Gomaa Sobhy, Samah Mahmoud Eldousky and Tahani Mohamed Rabea

Professor of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Benha University, Saudi Arabia

*Corresponding Author: Hany Amin, Professor of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Benha University, Saudi Arabia. E-mail:

Received: January 06, 2020; Published: January 20, 2020



Introduction: The chronic non polypoidal rhinosinusitis is a frequent disease causing patients disability and repeated symptoms. The systemic treatment is not effective in many cases. Surgery is expansive and not suitable every patient. Mucociliary mechanism is affected by various conditions mainly temperature, ph, viscosity, osmolality, electrolytes, neural balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, hormonal and local infection (biofilm).

Aim of the Study: So we are trying to focus on local treatment as a modality of treatment which can be used with the other types of treatment.

Methods: This is a prospective single-blinded (clinician only) randomized controlled trial recruited patients with active CRS without polyposis. In this study we will compare several local treatment to evaluate its efficacy and potency through evaluating the local treatment changes on the mucociliary mechanism of the rhinosinusitis patients and in treating chronic rhinosinusitis.

  As local antifungal, local antibiotic, saline nasal wash, local corticosteroids and honey compound. Evaluation of the mucociliary mechanism was done for all patients by estimating the mucous motility with saccharine test and one of its main content which is of utmost importance for nasal ciliary function which is the ph of the mucus.

  However the ciliary action was estimated through scanning electron microscopy, The same procedures were repeated after 6 months of treatment.

Results: From these studies we had reached that the repetition of the results of different experiments gave a conclusion about the efficacy of the honey as a local treatment of our study cases.

Conclusion: Chronic rhinosinsitis does not affect the mucociliary system not only by the microbal affection and toxicity but also in changing the main factors which are responsible for its function.

  Treatment should targeting all the altered factors that affect the mucociliary physiology we should pay more attention to local treatment as a modality of treatment that can deal with the multifactorial process of regaining a healthy mucociliary system.

Keywords: Mucociliary; Endoscopy; Chronic Disease



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Citation: Hany Amin., et al. “The Role of Local Treatment in Recurrent and Persistent Cases of Rhinisinusitis without Polyposis". Acta Scientific Otolaryngology 2.2 (2020): 02-13.


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