Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 10

Correlation between Eukaryotic Noncoding QED Genetic Codes and Cis-Regulatory Elements

Rama Shankar Singh*

Gen-Med R&D, LLC, Orlando, FL 32817, USA

*Corresponding Author: Rama Shankar Singh, Gen-Med R&D, LLC, Orlando, FL 32817, USA. Email:

Received: July 25, 2024; Published: September 18, 2024


The eukaryotic genome contains protein-encoding genes and cis-regulatory elements in the promoter regions of genes that control protein synthesis to maintain cellular homeostasis. Gene variants and protein synthesis errors produce dysfunctional proteins that cause disease. Thus, the genetic code and regulatory elements are closely linked to diseases. Eukaryotic nuclei contain the material responsible for heredity (DNA), but protein synthesis occurs elsewhere; genetic information is transmitted via transcription and splicing to the cytoplasm prior to protein synthesis. Cis-regulatory elements are found in eukaryotes but not in prokaryotes. The triplet genetic coding system proposed in 1963 was based on cells lacking introns, as introns were unknown until 1977, and lacking the control systems found in eukaryotes. The eukaryotic QED (quadruplet expanded DNA) genetic code model [1] is the first and only distinct genetic model for eukaryotes. The QED code has twenty independent encoding codons and thirty-five independent noncoding codons. Among the thirty-five noncoding QED codons are TATA, (CG) (CG), GC-rich, YCAY (Y-T or C), UAGG, GCAU, AT-rich, CG-rich, ATCG, START, and STOP. Here, we establish the applicable regulatory roles of noncoding QED codons like cis-regulatory elements by comparing their sequences. Some cis-regulatory elements, such as TATA and CAAT, located in the upstream promotor region are known to be involved in the initiation of transcription. These bases are identical to QED noncoding bases. More than twenty cis-regulatory elements and QED noncoding codon bases closely coincide and are listed in the text. Thus, it is reasonable to accept the application of the QED noncoding codon system to eukaryotic regulatory elements. Consequently, the noncoding QED code provides opportunities to correct dysfunctional proteins and identify cures for human diseases. A case in point is the tandem repeat (TR) neurodegenerative Huntington’s disease. The triplet codons CAA and CAG encode glutamine (Gln); however, only TR CAG causes Huntington's disease without forming polyglutamine. Huntington's disease is explained by the QED code, in which CAA encodes Gln, but CAG is noncoding and does not promote polyglutamine formation but causes the disease.

 Keywords: QED Code; Eukaryote; Prokaryote; Encoding; Noncoding; Cis-Elements; TATA; CAAT; CAG; Tandem Repeat; Human Diseases


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Citation: Rama Shankar Singh. “Correlation between Eukaryotic Noncoding QED Genetic Codes and Cis-Regulatory Elements”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 8.10 (2024): 89-96.


Copyright: © 2024 Rama Shankar Singh. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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