Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 8

Epidemiological, Clinical, Etiological and Therapeutic Aspects of Stroke in Young People Under 50 Years

Fatimata Hassane Djibo1,2*, Daou Maman1,4, Ibrahim Moussa Daouda1,2, Moudassir Mahamat Ahmat1,2, Amadou Hassan Aboubacar1,2, Souleymane Brah1,4, Carlos Othon Guelngar2, Abdoul Bachir Djibo Hamani2, Amadou Bacharou1, Mahadi Moussa1 and Eric Adehossi Omar4

1Neurology Department of the National Hospital of Niamey, Nigervo
2Neurology Department of the Amirou Boubacar Diallo National Hospital, Niger
3Internal Medicine Department of the National Hospital of Niamey, Niger
4Faculty of Health Sciences of the UAM of Niamey (Niger), Niger

*Corresponding Author: Fatimata Hassane Djibo, Neurology Department of the National Hospital of Niamey, Niger.

Received: May 17, 2024; Published: July 11, 2024


Introduction: Cerebrovascular accidents (CVAs) are a real public health problem throughout the world. They are the most common neurological condition in industrialized countries where they represent: the first cause of acquired disability in adults; the second cause of vascular dementia; the third cause of death, i.e. 9% of deaths. Strokes are more and more frequent in young people with various etiologies.

Objective: To determine the clinical etiological and therapeutic aspects of stroke in Young people.

Results: This is a prospective descriptive study on 119 cases at the NHN and the CNRD during the period from 06 June 2018 to 01 October 2019, i.e. a period of 17 months.

A predominance of women is 51.2%. Average age: 30.59 years ± 16,45. The patients had consulted a general practitioner before admission, i.e. 64.7%. The largest number of patients was hypertensive, 49,6%. 35,3% of patients had 2 risk factors (migraine and sedentary lifestyle). There is a predominance of left hemiplegia, 20,2%. The majority of patients (58,8%) received less than 24 hours of admission. The majority of patients had a Glasgow score between 11 and 15 (66,4%). We found a rate of anemia and hyperleukocytosis of 3,4% each and 1,7% of polycythemia Most of the strokes were of sickle cell origin or 26%. The most common abnormality on CT scan was hypodensity with 51,3% of cases. The Sylvian territory was the most affected with 45,4%. 53,8% of patients had taken antihypertensive drugs, 41,2% had taken platelet aggregation inhibitors, 99,2% had received physiotherapy and 7,6% had received anti-edematous therapy. The average length of hospital stay was 7-14 days or 50,4%. The majority of patients had an NIHSS score between 5-15 or 83,2%.

Conclusion: The stroke does not spare the young subject, long considered a disease of the third age. The strokes of the young subject are different from those of the elderly by their multiple etiologies, hence the relentless search for the etiology.

 Keywords: Aspects; Clinical; Stroke; Therapeutic; Niamey; Niger



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Citation: Fatimata Hassane Djibo., et al. “Epidemiological, Clinical, Etiological and Therapeutic Aspects of Stroke in Young People Under 50 Years”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 8.8 (2024): 79-87.


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