Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Short Communication Volume 7 Issue 4

LI-FI in Healthcare

G Dhanalakshmi1* and Anitha2

1Vice Principal, Billroth College of Nursing, India
2Professor, Billroth College of Nursing, India

*Corresponding Author: G Dhanalakshmi, Vice Principal, Billroth College of Nursing, India.

Received: January 25, 2023; Published: March 08, 2023


In order to transmit data, LI-FI uses an LED light bulb whose intensity changes more quickly than the human eye can keep up. When LEDs could be retrofitted to carry information, the technology really took off in the 1990s in nations like Germany, Korea, and Japan. With the ability to use light for communication, Haraald Haas continues to astound the world.


  1. “Comprehensive summary of modulation techniques for LiFi Research” (2018).
  2. Dietz Paul., et al. “Very low cost sensing and communication using Bidirectional LEDs”. (2015).
  4. ISBN 978-981-10-2630.


Citation: G Dhanalakshmi and Anitha. “LI-FI in Healthcare”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 7.4 (2023): 61-62.


Copyright: © 2022 G Dhanalakshmi and Anitha. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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