Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Case Report Volume 6 Issue 12

Management of a Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon at the Somine Dolo Hospital in Mopti About a Case

Djibril Traore1*, Keïta IK6, Traoré B1, Coulibaly M2, Maïga A4, Cissé D1, Sanogo S5, Guindo A1, Thera TD1, Couulibaly P7, Guindo O3 and Togo AP4

1Department of General Surgery, Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali
2Medical Biology Laboratory Service, Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali
3Public Health Department, Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali
4Department of General Surgery, CHU Gabriel Touré, Mali
5Medical Imaging Service of the Luxembourg Mother and Child Hospital in Bamako, Mali
6Sikasso Reference Health Center, Mali
7Department of Gynecology Obstetric, Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali

*Corresponding Author: Djibril Traore, General Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, Sominé DOLO Hospital of Mopti, Mali.

Received: September 06, 2022; Published: November 08, 2022


We report a case of spontaneous devolvulation of the sigmoid colon in a patient following a delay in preparation for medical and surgical management. The aim of this work was to bear witness to the precariousness of health coverage in certain areas of our country that have suffered from military and community crises (Djénné, Bandigara, Koro, etc....). This was a clinical observation where the signs were dominated by a passage of faecal matter and flatus, vomiting, abdominal pain and air fluid levels. Erect X-ray abdomen helped in confirmed the diagnostis The patient during his preparation had made a spontaneous devolvulation followed by a complete remission of the clinical symptoms. He returned 3 monts later with the same symptomatology following which the emergency medical-surgical treatment was based on resuscitation measures and laparotomy with resection of the sigmoid colon followed by colorectal anastomosis, termino-terminal.

Keywords: Volvulus; Sigmoid; Management; Somine Dolo Hospital


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Citation: Djibril Traore., et al. “Management of a Volvulus of the Sigmoid Colon at the Somine Dolo Hospital in Mopti About a Case”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 6.12 (2022): 01-04.


Copyright: © 2022 Djibril Traore., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate30%
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