Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ASMS)(ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 11

COVID-19 Dental Students’ Knowledge of Medical Technical Institute Dental Assistant Department (Erbil-Iraq) A Comparative Study

Faraed Dawood Salman1* and Jabbar Hussein Kamel2

1Professor, Dental Assistant Department, Medical Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnique University, Erbil, Iraq
2Professor at Conservative Department, TISHK University, Head of Conservative Department, Erbil, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Faraed Dawood Salman, Professor, Dental Assistant Department, Medical Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnique University, Erbil, Iraq.

Received: July 29, 2021; Published: October 19, 2021



Background: This study is aimed to assess and compare the dental knowledge of dental assistant students’ department (both stages) in Medical Technical Institute-Erbil-Iraq concerning covid-19 pandemic.

Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a questionnaire with 20 questions regarding causes, routes of transmission of virus, and source of knowledge was conducted among dental students in Medical Technical Institute. A total (91) students, (51) first stage, (40) second stage were individually questioned to complete a pretested questionnaire concerning their knowledge about covid-19 in order to increase compliance of students with universal precautions and to eliminate their deficiencies, their understanding should be determined, their source of information was used to update their knowledge about the disease and students training on new infection prevention control measure.

Results: First stage showed higher response than 2nd stage concerning routes of transmission (84.3, 55%), Interaction with animals (yes; 62.7, 35%), preventive measures (90.2, 82.5%) and source of dental knowledge (social media and TV) (56.9, 30%, 29.4, 2.5%) with significant difference between them, but with non-significant difference for mask types (72.5, 65%), treatment vary according to severity (70.6, 57.5%), hand sanitizer (56.9, 55%) and if it’s safe to work in dental clinic during covid-19 (33.3, 25%) and if signs increase with increasing severity of disease (yes, 74.5, 70%). While 2nd stage showed higher response than 1st stage concerning interaction with animals (no; 32.5, 17.6%), how many hours the virus stays on solid surfaces (32.5, 27.5%), source of knowledge (Journals 2.5, 2%) and those who don’t follow the updates (20, 11.8%) with significant difference between them, but with non-significant difference for symptoms duration range (14 days) (57.5, 45.1%), people at risk (65, 47.1%) and natural food supplement (70, 52.9%).

First and second stages were equal in their answers concerning causes, symptoms, covid virus differs from cold and flu virus, use of alcoholic wipe tissue, vaccine effectiveness and dietary supplement.

Conclusion: The findings of this study had shown that the knowledge of the students of both stages were good, although there were contradictions in their answers, deficient areas were observed in the knowledge of both stages that require prevention infection control covid-19 updates, practical guidelines of CDC, ADA and WHO should be included in the curriculum of the first stage prevention subject to control the spread of this pandemic.

Keywords: Covid-19; Pandemic; Knowledge; CDC; ADA; WHO



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Citation: Faraed Dawood Salman and Jabbar Hussein Kamel. “COVID-19 Dental Students’ Knowledge of Medical Technical Institute Dental Assistant Department (Erbil-Iraq) A Comparative Study”.Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 5.11 (2021): 85-100.


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