Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 10

Determinants of Using the Modern Health Care in the Bagira Health Zone: Cases of Children Under 5 Years Old with Malaria

Eugène Kwamba1,5,6, Christian Molima1, Johanna Karemere2, Safari Joseph Balegamire3,4 and Hermès Karemere1,7*

1Regional School of Public Health, Catholic University of Bukavu (UCB), Bukavu, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

2National Malaria Control Program, DRC Ministry of Health, Kinshasa, Gombe, Democratic Republic of Congo

3Department of Medicine Social and Preventive, E School of Public Health, Montreal University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

4Department of Nutrition, Natural Sciences Research Center of Lwiro, Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo

5General Reference Hospital (GRH) of Mweka, Mweka/Tshikapa, Kasaï, Democratic Republic of Congo

6Higher Institute of Medical Techniques (ISTM), Kakenge/Kasaï, Mweka/Tshikapa, Kasaï, Democratic Republic of Congo

7Université du Cinquantenaire de Lwiro, Sud-Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo 

*Corresponding Author: Hermès Karemere, Regional School of Public Health, Catholic University of Bukavu (UCB), Bukavu, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.

Received: July 09, 2021; Published: September 28, 2021

Citation: Hermès Karemere., et al. “Determinants of Using the Modern Health Care in the Bagira Health Zone: Cases of Children Under 5 Years Old with Malaria". Acta Scientific Microbiology 5.10 (2021): .


Introduction: Bagira Health area is characterized by a decline in the rate of use of curative health care between 2014 and 2018 while the prevalence of malaria was on the rise. This statement justifies the present study, which identified the specific determinants of the use of malaria-related children under 5 years in the Health area.

Methodology: This is a cross- sectional analysis conducted in the Bagira Health area. An investigation was conducted with 303 households from the systematic, two-degree, systematized random sampling technique. The Data analysis used descriptive statistics and the Logit multinomial model.

Results: The specific determinants identified in the use of health care in the case of malaria in the less than five years in the health area of Bagira are: the orphan parental status (19.70% of the probability of access to the public health center); the knowledge of antimalaria by parents (24% of the probability of access to public health cent e rs); follow-up at home (70.30% probability of use of the private health center) and the method of payment including the per-slice package (73.40% of the probability that private centers are used).

Conclusion: The continued improvement of the quality of care, taking into account the determinants identified with a particular focus on the follow-up of sick children during and after treatment, should be strengthened in order to increase the use of curative care in Bagira.


Keywords: Determinants; Health Services; Malaria; Logit Multinomial Model; Children Under 5 Years; South-Kivu; Democratic Republic of Congo


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