Bona Lotha1* and Zeinalddin M2
1Craniofacial Cleft Surgeon, Yemen Global Smiles, Sanaa, Yemen
2Craniofacial Orthodontist Mohammad Orthodontic Center - Senior Lecturer Oman Dental College, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
*Corresponding Author: Bona Lotha, Craniofacial Cleft Surgeon, Yemen Global Smiles, Sanaa, Yemen.
Received: September 22, 2020; Published: October 14, 2020
Minimal blood loss in palatoplasty can be achieved with adrenaline saline hydro dissection, and a good knowledge of key anatomical structures as well as the stubborn areas of static resistance, where dissection is difficult because of fixed tissue planes. With the advent of minimal incision palatoplasty, button-hole and medial-only incision procedures, the amount of blood loss is significantly reduced in most palate operations. The two-stage palate repair also leads to less blood loss and is a popular concept among cleft groups worldwide following the initial promotion by Swedish cleft groups at Gothenburg. The learning curve is reasonable and techniques can be added, as one gains more experience with cleft palate surgeries.
Keywords: Minimal Blood Loss Palatoplasty; Cleft Training; Minimal Incision Palate Repair; Saline Hydro Dissection