Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 8

Detection of Malignant Region of Diseased Images Using Thermal Camera

Lakshman K1, Siddharth B Dabhade2*, Sachin Deshmukh3, Ranjan Maheshwari4 and Mrudul Behare1

1NIELIT Aurangabad, Dr. B.A.M.U. CAMPUS, Aurangabad, MS, India
2MGM’s, Dr. G.Y. Pathrikar College of Computer Science and IT, Aurangabad, MS, India
3Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, MS, India
4Rajasthan Technical University Kota, RJ, India

*Corresponding Author: Siddharth B Dabhade, MGM’s, Dr. G.Y. Pathrikar College of Computer Science and IT, Aurangabad (MS), India.

Received: March 02, 2020; Published: July 01, 2020



In medical science, abnormal growth of any cell is called cancer. Malignant region is nothing but the location of extra growth of any cell in the body. In this paper, we make attention on the different types of malignant region detection techniques using Thermal Infrared Images. We studied various imaging methods like thermal imaging, x-ray, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), optical imaging of abnormal cell in human body. It is analyzed that malignant regions of body helps to prove the cancer cells those are present within the body. The early detection of malignant region helps in saving the life of an individual. To obtain thermal images, a thermal camera is used which can detect temperature variations in the body, as low as 0.1°C. Thermal cameras capture the surface skin temperature which can vary due to emotion-specific, bio-physiological states in the human body.

Keywords: Medical Imaging; Malignant Region; Thermal Imaging; Cancer Biomedical



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Citation: Siddharth B Dabhade., et al. “Detection of Malignant Region of Diseased Images Using Thermal Camera". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.8 (2020): 02-07.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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