Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 6

Radiographical Evaluation of Bone Resorption Around Fixed Prosthodontics

Faraed Dawood Salman*

Professor of Conservative Dentistry, Head of Conservative Department, University of TIU, Erbil, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Faraed Dawood Salman, Professor of Conservative Dentistry, Head of Conservative Department, University of TIU, Erbil, Iraq.

Received: April 17, 2020; Published: June 01, 2020



Aim of the Study: This study designed for find radiographical assessment of bone resorption around abutment teeth of fixed bridge construction with the relation effects of age, number of missing area sex and arch.

Background: Fixed dental bridge, it is fixed prosthetic restoration used to reestablish one or more lost teeth and placed on abutment which is natural teeth.

Materials and Methods: In the recent study, the samples were collected randomly from patients who had fixed dental bridge and attended oral diagnosis and radiology department in college of Tishik International University, in Erbil during the period between “October 2018 - March 2019”. At first questioners had been filled for those patients who had posterior dental fixed bridge either they were(metal or dental PFM or zircon) all were either single missed or double missed teeth in molar and premolar region, the questioner included two age groups which were between (20 - 39) - (40 - 60) years name, age, gender, number of missing unit, and location of fixed dental bridge were recorded, and radiographs were viewed on computer and measurement done for all the radiographs by NEWTOM program.

Results: In this study 242 cases were recorded from total number of cases which had been done. There were 44.8% male and 55.2% female. According to age group (20 - 39) was 16.2% and (40 - 60) years 83.8% according to missing unit, one missing unit 65.6%, two missing unit 34.4% according to the site of the bridge, upper right 29.9%, upper left 30.7%, lower left 14.5%, lower right 24.9%. According to non-bridge site, upper right 21.6%, upper left 2.4%, lower left 39.8%, lower right 26.1%.

Conclusion: According to this study, bone resorption comparison between bridge site and non-bridge side, significant and higher rate of bone resorption had been recorded in non-bridge side.

Keywords: Radiographic Evaluation; Bone Resorption; Fixed Prosthesis



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Citation: Faraed Dawood Salman. “Radiographical Evaluation of Bone Resorption Around Fixed Prosthodontics". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.6 (2020): 149-157.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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