Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Factors Associated with Low Virulence in the Infective COVID-19 Virus in Africa with the Pandemic infection Rise

Maurice B Silali*

Maseno University, Kenya

*Corresponding Author: Maurice B Silali, Maseno University, Kenya.

Received: March 26, 2020; Published: April 01, 2020



  Distribution and determinants of low virulence in the contagious/communicable COVID-19, among the population health of the black race of Tropical climate remains unclear, since its discovery in Wuhan China 2019. We define Health from the World Health organization, (WHO) definition of 1948 [11] which is now terrorizing most societies of the World to remain into the vicious cycle due to persistence skewed economy, poverty and illness. In February 2020, WHO re named COVID novel Corona or Wuhan china virus, which is air borne disease that may remain viable in the environment for over 8hrs susceptible to population health, due to its attributed global pandemic infection with varying virulence among the various continents. COVID-19 is caused by a virus similar to the Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome - COV-2 [SARS] of (2002), of the animal reservoir Bats, that was spread by the intermediate host (civet cats), and also first discovered in southern China in 2002. The reservoir host for COVID-19 virus is also Bat animal which when spread to the intermediate host, Pangolin animal [ant heater], it undergoes the gene mediation that is potentially infectious to population health. The incubation period of COVID-19, [time interval of exposure to agent of infection to onset of symptoms] of COVID-19, ranges from 5 to 24 days, when inhaled or comes in contact with the susceptible human population. The onset of signs and symptoms may include: fever [pyrexia], sneezing, short breath for mild cases, while susceptible host may develop severe symptoms such pneumonia and septic shock due to entry of the viruses into blood vessels and severe conditions are common to population health of cohort age above 60 years and above, hypertension and diabetic mellitus population. The Current treatment of COVID-19, is basically supportive care which involve provision of intra venous fluids to replenish the lost body fluids besides regular medication Chloroquine tablets used to treat malaria, Ritovir for HIV and Remdesivir used to treat Ebola cases in 2014 which were used to manage COVID 19 in Wuhan china in 2020. Despite the fact that COVID-19 has high infection to population health its Virulence remain low specifically in Black race located in tropical Africa compared other corona virus such SARS, and Ebola whose virulence is deadly to population health.

Keywords: COVID-19; Air Borne; Hand Washing; Infection; Virulence; Immunity; Supportive Care; Tropical Climate



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Citation: Maurice B Silali. “Factors Associated with Low Virulence in the Infective COVID-19 Virus in Africa with the Pandemic infection Rise". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.3 (2020): 01-04.


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