Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Infectious Nosologies and Tumoral Fever, A Crucial Alliance

M Qato1*, N Como2, Dh Kraja2, A Harxhi2 and P Pipero2

1Infectious Disease Service, UHC Mother Theresa
2Depetment of Infectious Disease, Faculty of Medicine

*Corresponding Author: M Qato, Infectious Disease Service, UHC Mother Theresa.

Received: February 06, 2020; Published: February 26, 2020



Background: The importace of early dedection and diagnoses of malignant pathologies is well known [1,2]. It gets even more important, a neccessity indeed, when fever is the dominant or the only symptom or when microbic agents are isolated.

Material: The study included 131 cases, admitted at the Infectious Disease Hospital during 1980-2010, age-group 35 - 70 yrs old. Fever represented the dominant or the only symptom related to 17 different types of tumor pathologies.

Methods: We built the etiological and nosologic structure of infectious pathologies [3] that resulted to be wrong diagnoses asociated to the presence of a tumor pathology [4,5]. We also made evidence of clinical and laboratory data that contributed in these misdiagnoses.

Results: Infectious Wrong Diagnoses: Brucellosis: 13 cases with recurrent fever, sweats, joint pain, 9 cases seropositive for Brucella – Diagnosed Tumor: renal carcinoma 2; PNET 1; metastasis 3; lymphoma 3;mesothelioma 1, Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) 1,gastric 1,seminoma 1. Sepsis: 39 cases with continuos /high fever tachicardia; tachipnoe; leucocitosis;13 positive blood cultures( S.aureus 7, S.epidermitis 5, Sh.sonnei 1)-Tumors: Acute Lymphoid Leucosis(ALL) 1,HCC 3,renal 2;surenal 1,billiary tract 2;leucosis 5;lymphoma 4; metastasis with no primary focus 5, mixoma1. Leishmaniasis: 10 cases with intense/high fever, asthenia, weightloss, hepatosplenomegaly; 4 seropositive cases - Tumors: HCC 1,gastric 1, metastasis 1, Chronic Mieloid Leucosis(CML) 1,Hairy Cell Leucosis(HCL) 1,lymphoma 5.Toxoplasmosis: 13 cases with continous/moderate fever, lymphadenopathy, sweats; 7 seropositive cases -Tumors: Non Hodgkin Lymphoma 12, gastric 1. Typhoid fever: 18 cases with continuos fever, hepatoslenomegaly; 5 cases with positive Vidal -Tumors: HCC 5, colon 4, gastric 3; splenic lymphoma 1, ALL 3, CML 2. Dysanteric syndrome: 9 cases with mucus bloody diarrhea and 6 with positive microbial agents (shigela 2, salmonella,trichuris,1, ascarids1,enthamoeba1 ) - Tumors: colon 5, prostatic 1,uterus 2,ovarial 1. Influenza: 2 cases with continuos/high fever, toxicosis, upper respiratory syndrome -Tumors: thyroid cancer 1,bronchial 1.Tonsillofaringitis:3 cases with hyperpirexia, odinophagia, difficulty in speaking and positive cultures: S.aureus1, S.βhemolitik 2.- Tumors: thyroid cancer 1,ALL2.

Conclusion: 1.Tumor fever was associated with clinical syndromes which strongly suggested an Infectious disease in 83% of cases.2.We encountered positivity for infective agents in 35.87% of cases with tumor fever 3.Misdiagnosis was related in all cases with the microbiologic and serologic proof of Infectious Diseases.

Keywords: Tumor Fever; Infectious Nosologies; Misdiagnose



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Citation: M Qato., et al. “Infectious Nosologies and Tumoral Fever, A Crucial Alliance". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.3 (2020): 122-126.


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