Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

E-Book Volume 4 Issue 1

Psychosomatic Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes

András Sikter MD*

Internal Medicine, Municipal Clinic Of Szentendre, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe

*Corresponding Author: András Sikter MD, Internal Medicine, Municipal Clinic Of Szentendre, Szentendre, Hungary, Europe.

Received: December 09, 2019; Published: December 24, 2019



  In the first part, the author presents his cytoplasmic model, which was first published in Hungarian in 2007. He modelized the cytoplasm of the animal/human cells with three constituents: 1) Cytoplasm Builder Ions (as K+, Mg2+, Zn2+, HPO42-, and H2PO4-), 2) ATP, and 3) Functioning Proteins (enzymes). The three parts of cytoplasm are equally vital - they can only increase or decrease in unison. The author presents four models that were born at different eras and based on various logics - independently of each other, but they point in the same direction. The author’s model suggests well the relations of anabolism vs. catabolism as well as the occurrence of vicious and virtuous circles. It is presented how could this cytoplasm model be of some help in modelizing diseases and healing. Even a quick recovery from an illness can be dangerous, even deadly if the physician does not consider the hazards of instability.

  It is known the second messenger and signaling functions of almost all physiologic ions of the cell, so it is not too bold to assume that the prevailing Momentary Intracellular Ion-Pattern as a whole has an essential, perhaps the primary signaling function. It would be the so-called 'software of the cell.' It seems that H+ concentration (pHi) is the most crucial of all ions to maintain homeostasis, Therefore, regulation wants to preserve the permanence of pHi. The endeavor to keep original pHi at all costs can develop metabolic dysregulation. (See Part 2.)

  Practically essential issues such as Refeeding Syndrome are also analyzed. The author points out that there are so many errors about diagnosis and treatment in this issue because the pathogenesis does not refer to one but several disorders; therefore suggests a new terminology classification. The author also reinterprets Locus Minoris Resistance (the Place of Less Resistance) theory and declares that the occurrence of a vicious circle in biology is not random; it is a consequence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and such it is a frequent phenomenon. In all these issues, the cytoplasmic model guides us.

KeywordsExploitation Syndrome; Momentary Intracellular Ion-Pattern Signaling; Modelizing Of Cytoplasm; The Place Of Less Resistance; Second Law Of Thermodinamics; Utilization Syndrome



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Citation: András Sikter. “Psychosomatic Molecular Mechanisms of Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes. Part 1. A Theory for Modelizing the Cytoplasm and Diseases". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.1 (2020): A01-A17.


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