Acta Scientific Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Research Artilce Volume 4 Issue 1

The Impact of Religion on Patients with Mental Disorders in the Light of Integrative Literature Review

Bruno Vilas Boas Dias1*, Bárbara Mancini2, Bruna Paisca Santana2, Gabriel Ricardo da Silva2, Melina Almeida Pontes2, Raíssa Gabriela Fileli2, Gabriel Augusto Lima Brito2 and Rafael Antonio da Silva3

1Nursing, Master of Health Sciences, Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Padre Anchieta University Center of Jundiaí, SP and Campo Limpo Paulista University Center, Brazil
2Student in Nursing at Padre Anchieta University Center of Jundiaí, SP
3Nursing, Specialist in Health Management, Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Padre Anchieta University Center of Jundiaí, SP

*Corresponding Author: Bruno Vilas Boas Dias, Nursing, Master of Health Sciences, Professor of the Undergraduate Nursing Course at Padre Anchieta University Center of Jundiaí, SP and Campo Limpo Paulista University Center, Brazil.

Received: November 19, 2019; Published: December 04, 2019



Objective: Identify, through an integrative literature review, the impact of religion on patients with mental disorders.

Method: The scientific electronic bases were used: LILACS, MEDLINE, BDENF and SCIELO. The research took place between March and October 2019, with the inclusion criteria: articles published in Portuguese, in full and between the period 2007 to 2019, available in the consulted databases and related to the proposal. Exclusion criteria were: editorials, literature reviews, abstracts, theses and dissertations.

Results: We found 3015 articles related to the theme and selected 10 that reflected relevant aspects of religion in the patients' lives.

Conclusion: A religião tem um impacto na vida não apenas das pessoas com transtornos mentais, mas também dos membros da família e de pessoas em sua rede de apoio e convivência de várias maneiras, refletindo positivamente na auto-estima, qualidade de vida e acolhimento. A religião também pode impactar negativamente e se manifestar, de acordo com a literatura, através do fanatismo, da ansiedade e do fato de os profissionais de saúde não abordarem adequadamente a questão com seus pacientes.

Keywords: Mental Health; Religion; Mental Disorders And Psychiatric Nursing



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Citation: Bruno Vilas Boas Dias., et al. "The Impact of Religion on Patients with Mental Disorders in the Light of Integrative Literature Review".Acta Scientific Medical Sciences 4.1 (2020): 03-08.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days
Impact Factor1.403

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