Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 10

Characterization and Growth Evaluation of Marine Chlorella sp. for Biomass Production

Chandrashekharaiah PS1, Vinay Dwivedi1, Nishant Saxena1, Vishal Paul1, Shyam Prasad1, Santosh Kodgire1, Rakesh Thorat1, Ravikumar Yelchuri3, Natarajan Mohan1, Shivbachan Kushwaha1, Debanjan Sanyal1*, Ajit Sapre2 and Santanu Dasgupta2

1Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
2Reliance Industries Ltd., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
3Asian Paints Ltd., Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author: Debanjan Sanyal, Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

Received: August 09, 2021 ; Published: September 15, 2021


The fresh water and nutrients are costly inputs in algal cultivation. Nowadays, marine algae are in focus since they can be cultivated in seawater with minimum freshwater addition. In this study, marine Chlorella sp. was characterized in lab and open ponds (1m2) of greenhouse to evaluate the potential of biomass production. In lab studies, the growth performances (OD and biomass production) of algae in industrial grade nutrient sources were found similar to lab grade sources. The growth at 12:12 h. of light: dark cycle was at par with 24 h. of continuous light illumination. The minimum inhibitory concentrations for hydrogen peroxide, benzalkonium chloride and sodium hypochlorite were determined to be 2.5, 5, and 5 mgL-1 respectively. In pond studies, the strain was found to tolerate salinity up to 5.5%. Highest aerial, volumetric productivities and nutrient removal were observed at 10 cm as compared to 15 and 20 cm depths. The aerial productivities and biomass composition in semiturbidostat mode cultivation at various set OD’s of harvest were found comparable and semiturbidostat mode was found more productive than batch mode. Overall study shows that the marine Chlorella sp. is a robust strain and can be cultivated in open ponds using seawater.

Keywords: Characterization; Chlorella; Growth Optimization; Open Ponds; Semiturbidostat


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Citation: Debanjan Sanyal., et al. “Characterization and Growth Evaluation of Marine Chlorella sp. for Biomass Production”. Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.10 (2021): 29-39.


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