Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 7

Therapeutic Potential of Olive's Bioactive Compounds in COVID-19 Disease Management

Chandrashekharaiah PS1, Santosh Kodgire1, Vishal Paul1, Dishant Desai1, Shivbachan Kushwaha1, Debanjan Sanyal1* and Santanu Dasgupta2

1Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
2Reliance Industries Ltd., Navi, Mumbai, India

*Corresponding Author: Debanjan Sanyal, Reliance Industries Ltd., Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. E-mail:

Received: June 07, 2021 ; Published:


Currently, the world is continuously discovering effective treatment strategies for controlling the Coronavirus disease - 2019 (COVID-19). Many researchers have focused on designing drugs that can affect the replication or protease activity of coronavirus. The clinical testing and regulatory approvals for these drugs will take time. However, currently, there's an urgent requirement for treatment strategies that are safe, effective, and can be implemented through readily available products in the market. Many plant-derived products rich in secondary metabolites have potential health benefits and antimicrobial properties. The olive plant products (olive oil and leaf extracts) are rich in secondary metabolites, for instance, phenols (oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol) and terpenoids (oleanolic, maslinic, and ursolic acid). These compounds were used as an effective anti-viral agent in the past. The phenolics affect the virus attachment and replication. Whereas the terpenoids mainly affect the membrane fluidity of the virus. In recent molecular dock studies, it was found that these compounds effectively bound to Mpro and 3CLpro protease sites of COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) and were hypothesized to affect the replication of the virus. Apart from anti-viral properties, these bioactive compounds function as anti-inflammatory, anti-modulatory, anti-thrombotic, and anti-oxidative agents. Olive oil has been widely used for cooking all over the world. The consumption of olive oil is safe and is believed to increase immunity against various infectious microbes. Hence olive products can be explored in control of COVID-19 disease. This review summarizes and discusses the numerous properties of phenolic and terpenoid compounds found in olives in the context of COVID-19.

Keywords: COVID-19; Olive Oil; Phenols; Terpenes; Plant Secondary Metabolites


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Citation: Chandrashekharaiah., et al. “Therapeutic Potential of Olive's Bioactive Compounds in COVID-19 Disease Management ”. Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.7 (2021): 98-111.


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