Acta Scientific Microbiology (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Case Report Volume 4 Issue 6

Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patients Treatment

Huang WL*

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Huang WL, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management Specialist, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.

Received: April 05, 2021 ; Published: May 27, 2021


Introduction: Fatigue is recognized as one of the most common presenting complaints in individuals infected with SARS-CoV-2. In traditional Chinese medicine, fatigue is associated with energies deficiencies. The purpose is to demonstrate that patients that is acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infections have energy deficiencies in the internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection and can aggravate their symptoms after the treatment instituted.

Methods: Through three cases reports, two with clinical case that had SARS-CoV-2 infections and reported chronic fatigue symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment. And one case report that had severe fatigue after the infection only diagnosed 30 days after the infection though serology. Measurement of the internal organs energies through radiesthesia procedure before they acquired SARS-CoV-2 infection (cases 1 and 2). The third case did only after the infection.

Results: All the internal organs were in the lowest level of energy in all patients. The treatment to replenish the energies of these organs were started weeks before the SARS-CoV-2 infection and it was sustained after the SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment. All patients reported in this article improved from their fatigue symptoms in the first week of treatment using homeopathies medications (Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine) and other Chinese medicine´s tools (Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture, moxibustion).

Conclusion: Patients with chronic fatigue after SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment (case report one and two) have internal organs energy deficiencies prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection and after this infection (third case) and they aggravated the fatigue symptoms after the treatment received when using highly concentrated medications (Ebastina, Ivermectin, Azithromycin, Hydroxychloroquine) and improved their fatigue symptoms replenishing these internal organs energies with homeopathies medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and other tools, leading to an important improvement of the fatigue symptoms.

Keywords: Fatigue; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Chakra; Homeopathy; Hippocrates


  An outbreak of pneumonia began in December 2019 in Wuhan (China). A novel coronavirus was identified as the causal agent and was later named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). On the 11th of March 2020, the World Health Organization General Director announced that coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus [1].

  According to the Guo., et al. in the article the origin, transmission and clinical therapies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak - an update on the status, 38,1% of the patients studied had fatigue due to the SARS-CoV-2 infection [2].

Fatigue is the state of feeling very tired, weary or sleepy resulting from insufficient sleep, prolonged mental or physical work, or extended periods of stress or anxiety [3].

  For an explanation of TCM, the reasons for the symptoms of fatigue are induced by deficiencies in five organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) and including Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang deficiencies caused by the invasion of an exogenous pathogen, excessive physical strain (manual labor, mental labor and sexual intercourse), abnormal emotional states (elation, anger, worry, anxiety, sorrow, fear and terror) or an improper diet [4].

  This article was written following what Hippocrates said: that it is important consider other ancient medical traditions prior the knowledge we have nowadays. For this reason, the author chose to use the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat her patients once TCM looks to the patients as a whole, treating the root of the problem and not only the symptoms [5-13].

Purpose of the Study

  The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that patients that is acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infections have energy deficiencies in the internal massive organs (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung and Kidney) prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection and they can aggravate their energy deficiencies after the treatment instituted leading to fatigue symptoms.


  The author did an extensive search on the subject about fatigue post SARS-CoV-2 infection in PubMed indexed articles both in Western medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine. Also, she used the description of three cases reports of patients who had severe fatigue symptoms, two after the treatment instituted and the third, had fatigue during and after the infection, diagnosed 30 days after the infection and worsened with the treatment instituted with corticosteroids and the use of inhaled capsules of Alenia.

First Case Report

  • The first case is a 35-year-old female patient who sought treatment with the author because she felt very tired, discouraged, stressed, exhausted mentally and physically, after the infection of SARS-CoV-2 two months prior to that appointment (she had infection on August 2020).
  • At that time, she said that after 6 days of contact with a person who had flu, she manifested a very cold, increasing tiredness, runny nose.
  • From the seventh day on, she was very weak, without energy, fatigued, short of breath, very difficult to breathe, causing chest pain and a lot of cough; she just wanted to sleep, she could not even get out of bed.
  • The 2-year-old daughter and her husband had a fever which led her to take the exam for SARS-CoV-2 infection, giving her and her husband a positive test (she did not do it on her daughter).
  • She did not take any highly concentrated medication, only when it was getting worse, she took homeopathy Coroninum 30 CH at night and the next day she noticed improvements.
  • Her husband had a fever for + - 10 days, a lot of body pain, he took Azithromycin and Coroninum 30 CH, when he saw that was very weak.
  • She uses contraceptives and sometimes a homeopathic complex containing Natrum muriaticum, Kalium phosphoricum and Magnesium phosphoricum.
  • She had little appetite, she didn't feel like eating, wanting to eat only more industrialized things, very sweet taste foods.
  • Before SARS-CoV-2 infection she always did exercises, swimming, gym. After, she stopped exercising and is slowly resuming, but she still feels like she does not have enough energy.
  • She feels that she is very tired (mentally and physically), debilitated, with insomnia, without appetite, swelling and weight gain; without energy to work, without sexual energy.
  • The author did radiesthesia procedure to see how were her internal organs energies (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lung, Kidney) and discovered that all her chakras’ energy centers were in the lowest level of energy, rated in one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal, rated in eight.
  • The author recommended the treatment with Chinese nutritional therapy, counselling the patient to avoid dairy products, raw food, cold beverages and sweets, as to avoid Spleen-Pancreas deficiency or the fifth chakra that was responsible for the absorption of nutrients and production of Blood. Also, it was recommended her to drink warm water and consume only cooked foods to tone the energy of the Spleen-pancreas (fifth chakra) that was low.
  • It was also recommended for the patient to avoid coffee, soda and matte tea; to avoid Kidney deficiency, that was already low shown in the radiesthesia procedure measurement that the second chakra does not have energy.
  • Besides avoiding chocolate, fried foods, coconut, honey, eggs, melted cheese, alcoholic beverages to avoid Liver and Gallbladder imbalance, that was impaired shown in the radiesthesia procedure that the first chakra was very weak in energy.
  • Her treatment was started to treat the energy imbalances, with auricular acupuncture and apex ear bloodletting. To balance the deficiencies of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and take out the Heat retention. The auricular acupuncture points used in her treatment will be showed in the discussion section.
  • The moxibustion procedure were done in the points (CV4, CV6, CV8) for the purpose to transmit energy to her.
  • This patient is a pharmaceutical and before her infection, she only went to the author´s clinic for her work purpose. That is why she did not receive the chakras’ energy measurement before her SARS-CoV-2 infection. But as she had a two years-old daughter, she said that she is feeling weak since the birth of her daughter, and that weakness state worsened after this SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • The author prescribed for the patient the treatment for replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers to tone the five massive organs in TCM, with homeopathies medications according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, created by the author.
  • The medications prescribed were: Sulphur 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Calcarea carbonica 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Silicea 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Natrum muriaticum 30CHXX-20 (single dose), Phosphorus 30CHXX-20. The homeopathies were prescribed to be taken in a single dose with a hiatus of three days between the medications, necessarily on the sequence described. After the intake of medications in this sequence, a new sequence of medications was prescribed to start, with the same medications taken on the same order, but now with 200CHXX-20 instead of 30 CHXX-20. After this period, the patient need to return to reevaluate her results but she did not return (because the physician was in the vacation period and only after 30 days she could contact the patient again to see how was her after the treatment).
  • After 30 days, the patient returned saying that her fatigue continued the same and it was feeling very tired, despite the use of the homeopathies. The physician prescribed new sequence of medications, now at 1000-CH XX 20 of each medication and associated the crystal-based medications, that she didn´t prescribed to her, at the first moment. Also, she did auricular acupuncture and moxibustion to the purpose of transmit more energy to her in the points (CV 4, CV 6 AND CV 8).
Results of case report one
  • After the increase in the potency of homeopathic medications and recommendations to intake each medication per day, instead of each medication each three days, she said the fatigue symptoms improved very well. The patient is receiving the moxibustion therapy every day, and after this procedure she is feeling more energized, more excited, her physical, emotional and sexual tiredness has improved.
  • She found the moxibustion therapy was essential for her improvement and reported that one of the days she did the moxibustion, there was a lot of very important meetings that touched her emotionally and using moxibustion therapy, she felt good, having no problem during the meeting, doing very well.
  • After this treatment, even in situations of stress and irritation, she was unable to be emotionally affected. But the energy to do exercises still not improved until that moment, but she is still in treatment, that normally the author recommended to replenish the chakras’ energy centers for a period of one year or more. After one year, new chakras’ energy centers measurement is usually done to evaluate how the chakras’ energy centers improved using the medications prescribed and for how long the patient would need to intake them.

Second Case Report

  • The second case report, S.A.F. is a 67-years-old male patient, dentist. In one the afternoon, on September 2020, he started to have back pain.
  • One day after, on the second day, he felt his nose clogged and the pain in his back continued.
  • On the morning of the third day, he decided to do the test for COVID-19 doing the swab in the nose and throat and after two hours he received the result that the exam came positive.
  • Ivermectin (3 days) and azithromycin (4 days) were prescribed by one infectious disease doctor. Afterwards, an oral corticosteroid was prescribed for 3 days.
  • The thorax computed tomography showed an alteration in the lungs below 10%.
  • Laboratory exams were done including blood tests but showed no alterations.
  • After the intake the medications prescribed, his temperature remained at 37.5ºC throughout the day and for two days at night the fever reached 38ºC but he did not take any specific medicine to lower the fever.
  • After that he had no medication and kept drinking plenty of water.
  • In the second week, after seven days, the only symptom that lasted was the temperature that was between 36 and 37.5ºC;
  • After the fifteen days he was discharged to work normally. He only returned to work after 18 days since the beginning of his symptoms.
  • When he went back to work, he felt that he woke up well and from 2 PM, his energy started to fall, he felt sleepy, tired, bad head, just want to stay in the bed, he even thought about stopping work because he felt very tired and feeling extreme fatigue, and also he didn't even want to eat anything.
  • As he was the dentist of the author, she went to his clinic and he told her that he was very fatigued after having the SARS-CoV-2 infection.
  • He was already the author´s patient since 2018, therefore she already had measured his energy that was all in the minimal level, rated in one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh chakra that was in normal rate. At that time, he had begun the treatment with the homeopathies according to the theory created by the author entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and was using crystal-based medications since then so, when he told her that he had the SARS-CoV-2 infection, and was feeling very fatigue after the treatment he received using antibiotics and corticosteroids. The doctor prescribed the same homeopathies at the potency of the 10000 CH, one medication per day, in a sequence described in the first case report, once he had taken the doses of 30 CH XX-20, 200 CHXX-20 and 1000 CH XX-20 in the past.
  • His medical history includes chronic kidney problems since childhood (Berger's disease), hypertension, dental implants since 2000 and prostate cancer about six years ago when he had to remove the tumor.
  • The author also intensify the recommendations made in the first case report.
Results of the second case report

  After 3 days of in taking the homeopathies medications prescribed (Sulphur, Calcarea carbonica, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum, Phosphorus) he was feeling very well, in the patient's own words, managing to work normally and he was very thankful for the treatment prescribed as he was thinking to stop to work before the treatment institute to replenish his chakras’ energy centers.

Third Case Report

  • The third case report is a 17-years-old female patient who had SARS-CoV-2 infection without any critical symptoms, she found out she had the disease after having symptoms of weakness, apathy, shortness of breath and the feeling of low blood pressure and a racing heart. She went to the hospital and made blood test that confirmed that she had already passed through the contagion phase of the SARS-CoV-2 infection that was in the beginning of the November 2020 and the test was done only after more than 30 days of her flu symptoms.
  • Her parents looked for a hematologist and she started to supplement iron and B12, as the patient became vegan since May 2020 and the doctor thought that she was feeling weakness because of differentiating menu she began to have since then. But she was monitored by a nutritionist and the girl was eating in a healthy way, correct and required quantities, according to her mother.
  • Even though she used these supplements, the symptoms only got worse and she went to the emergency room of the city hospital several times to try to understand what was happening to her. At the last appointment she underwent several tests: blood, X-ray, electrocardiogram and was medicated with ant allergic and corticosteroids.
  • The on-duty doctor referred her to a pulmonologist for him to accompany the patient until she left the asthma crisis. She went to this specialist's appointment and he prescribed another anti allergic, plus a few days of corticosteroids and asked her to use inhaled capsules (Alenia) for 30 days before returning for a next appointment. She started the treatment and after 3 days the symptoms remained the same and she felt weaker every day and with heartburn and stomach upset, it is believed that it was the side effects of the medications she was using such as the inhaler with Alenia.
  • She and her mother were already my patients and all this happened in a short pause the author gave in the consultations in her clinic. As soon as the physician got back to work in the clinic, the patient went back to her appointment with her mother and reported such problems to her doctor.
  • The physician only instructed the patient to do only acupuncture and moxibustion in the point CV4, CV6 AND CV8 every day and discontinued all other allopathic medications, that the author will explain why she need to do this recommendation, in the discussion section.
  • The author also measured the chakras’ energy centers which showed that they were all without energy, rated one out of eight, with the exception of the seventh chakra that was normal (rated in eight).
  • Her medical history includes asthma since the 2-years-old, using for a long period allopathic medicines such as corticosteroids.
  • The doctor prescribed to her the homeopathies medications (according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine), starting with Sulphur 30CHXX-20, Calcarea carbonica 30 CHXX-20, Silicea 30 CHXX-20, Natrum muriaticum 30 CHXX-20, Phosphorus 30CHXX-20, one medication per day, in a single dose, in the sequence described and after this sequence, she began to a new sequence, now with 200ChXX-20, instead of 30CHXX-20. She also received the crystal-based medications, that will be described in the discussion section.
  • She also was eating one juice made by vegetables and fruits (pineapple and cabbage) and the author orientate her to withdrawn this juice in the morning and it will be discussed the reason in the discussion section.
Results case report three
  • After 3 days of treatment, the patient has already had a significant improvement and after 8 days from the start of treatment, all the symptoms mentioned above practically disappeared, in the words of the patient's mother.
  • She continues with medicines based on Chinese dietary counseling, homeopathies, crystals-based medications, auricular acupuncture and moxibustion.
  • The doctor also intensifies the recommendations of the Chinese dietary counseling, to avoid all raw foods, dairy products, fried food, chocolate, eggs, honey, coconut and alcoholic beverages and suspend the juice that she was using in the morning. It was also recommended to boil the water she was drinking and drink it cold (the author will explain why she did this recommendation in the discussion section).


  In the article entitled Management of post-acute covid-19 in primary care, written by T Greenhalgh, the author begins his article saying that it is not known why some people´s recovery is so prolonged. Sequela with long term respiratory, musculoskeletal and neuropsychiatric have been described in the past for the other SARS and MERS [14].

  The symptoms of post-acute COVID-19 symptoms may vary, most commonly cough, low grade fever, fatigue, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, muscle pain and weakness, metabolic disruption, thromboembolic conditions, depression, etc. [14].

  Almost 10 percent of the patients who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 virus remain unwell beyond three weeks, and small percentage for months. In a study in US found that 65% of people had returned to their previous level of health after 14 - 21 days after positive test [14].

  The treatment done in Western medicine nowadays on is an exclusively localized treatment, but TCM views the individual as a whole and for better understand the author like to use this tree as a metaphor, shown in the figure 1 [6-13].

  The tree has a trunk with several branches. Each branch represents one medical specialty and each leaf coming out of each branch represent the symptoms and diseases that each specialty treats. The leaves and the branches are the visible part and the object of study and practice in the Western medical profession [6-13].

  The focus is to treat each leaf in each specialty. The treatment proposed by the author aims to treat all the tree, through the root to reach a “health leaf” and also observing the external pathogenic factors could be causing the symptoms on the patient, and the main aim of this article is to demonstrate the energy alterations in the root level, that is normally not visible by the naked eyes, that is leading to fatigue symptoms in patients post-COVID-19 treatment [6-13].

Figure 1: Tree like figure - metaphor of Western and traditional Chinese medicine.

To explain why the author treats her patients looking to the root of the problems, she likes like to show one specific patient she treated herself in 2006.

  It was a 70-year-old male patient who searched for her due to his leg pain that didn’t improve with the use of anti-inflammatory medications during 6 months. He searched for the treatment using acupuncture and that’s why he went to her clinic. According to TCM he was diagnosed with Kidney-Yang deficiency. He started the treatment with Chinese dietary counseling, systemic acupuncture and auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting [6-13,15].

  With the treatment done, the pain in the legs diminished and the patient was submitted to an interview after the treatment. In this interview, 30 days after the treatment, the patient revealed that his eye pressure had also lowered, from 40 mmHg to 17 mmHg, as his ophthalmologist confirmed. During the treatment, he had not reported to be in treatment for glaucoma in the last 40 years with no improvement of his condition. This unusual case became the cornerstone of her studies in the field, trying to comprehend how the treatment focused on the root of the problem could treat different diseases and symptoms simultaneously and using the same methods [6-13,15].

In the root of the tree, in the figure 1, there are some theories that guides the TCM, the first is the Yin and Yang theories, as demonstrated in the figure 2.

Figure 2: Yin and Yang symbol.

  Yin and Yang are the two opposite forces that are believed to be present in all phenome in the world (Figure 2). For traditional Chinese medicine, the Yin and Yang is the first and major cornerstone to understand health, diagnosis and treatments [6-13,15].

  The main principle represented by the Yin and Yang symbol and contained in its meaning is the idea of complementary and cyclical opposites. This idea came from the observation of different nature phenomes such as day and night, female and male, darkness and light, right and left, etc. [6-13,15].

To Yin and Yang flow inside the meridians, there is necessity of the of two other energies, that are Qi and Blood, demonstrated in the figure 3 [6-13,16].

Figure 3: Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood.

  In TCM terms, Blood functions are to nourish and vitalize the whole body. And Qi is the vital energy that invigorates Blood to keep it circulating throughout the body. Blood and Qi have a very important relationship and are mutually dependent, Qi prevents Blood stagnation, and Blood nourishes Qi [6-13,16].

Figure 4: Internal Heat.

  The internal Heat is an energy imbalance, generated by deficiency of one of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood energy imbalances or a combination of imbalances of these energies, shown in the figure 4 [6-13,16].

It can also be caused by incorrect diet, such as the constant consumption of fried foods, melted cheese, eggs, chocolate, coconut, honey and alcoholic beverages [6-13,16].

Figure 5: Auricular acupuncture points used in the treatment of patients with fatigue post COVID-19 treatment.

Figure 6: Apex ear bloodletting used in the treatment to take out the Heat retention in the treatment of patients with complications post COVID-19 treatment.

  The auricular acupuncture points used in the treatment of all three cases reposts in this article is shown in the figure 5 and the apex ear bloodletting is also shown in the figure 6, to release the formation of internal Heat, very common in patients with energy deficiencies [6-13].

  Not all patients with fatigue symptoms need to do the apex ear bloodletting but in these three cases reports, the author did in all cases because they were having anxiety symptoms. According to the publication written by the author entitled Why Do Patients Still have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications and published by Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders on 2019, the author is explaining in this article that patients with anxiety symptoms have energy alterations (deficiencies in the chakras’ energy centers leading to the formation of internal Heat) and the procedure using apex ear bloodletting is to take out Heat retention that is leading to anxiety symptoms. But the author is explaining in this article, as patients with fatigue symptoms have deficiencies in energy in the chakras’ energy centers, it should be made with caution apex ear bloodletting in this kind of patients as the bloodletting procedure could worsen the lack of energy of this kinds of patients, leading to worsening of the symptoms instead of improving [17].

  To evaluate the energy status of each patient, a series of questions is normally done in the first appointment of the patients to see how are the five energy status (Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and Heat retention). The treatment and the dietary orientations needs to be accordingly to the energy imbalances found in the first appointment. The questions are demonstrated in the table 1 [6-13].

Figure 7: Five Elements theory.


Does the patient have a daily bowel movement?

Does the patient have excessive sweating during day?

Does the patient feel cold mainly in the extremities of the body (cold feet and hands)?

Does the patient feel hot mainly in the extremities?

Does the patient has dry mouth, bleeding gums, bad breath, acne and/or redness in the skin, abdominal pain, micro hematuria or itching?


Blood deficiency*

Qi deficiency

Yang deficiency

Yin deficiency

Heat retention

*Blood deficiency can be understood as anemia in the energy level. As Blood deficiency may take years to appear in the laboratory exams, the patient with constipation and a normal complete blood count (CBC) can still be considered a patient with Blood deficiency, according to toper TCM, depending based on the symptoms he/she may present.

Table 1: 5 questions the physician need to ask to see the energy status (Yin, Yang, Qi, Blood and Heat retention) of the patient.

  The second main theory basing traditional Chinese medicine is the Five Elements theory, shown in the figure 7. The Five Elements theory states that there are five elements present in everything in the world, including our bodies. These elements are water, wood, fire, earth and metal. Inside our bodies, these elements will be represented by specific organs. These organs are considered the massive organs, and they have extreme important parts in the well-functioning of the body. The Wood element corresponds to the Liver, the Fire element corresponds to the Heart, the Earth element corresponds to the Spleen, the Metal element corresponds to the lungs and the water element correspond to the Kidney, as you can see in the figure 7. These main organs will support and control each other in the Five Elements cycles [18].

Figure 8: Generation Cycle and Control Cycle.

  There are two important cycles in the relation of the five elements; they are the Cycle of Generation and the Cycle of Control, shown in the figure 8. In the Generating Cycle, in the left side of the figure 8, the generating interaction of the elements is exposed, wood fuels fire, fire forms earth, earth contains metal, metal carries water, water feeds wood. In the Control Cycle, shown in the right side of the figure 8, the part of this cycle is to prevent any element from becoming overwhelming or too powerful in relation to the system as a whole, Earth can stop the Water, Water can stop a Fire, Fire can melt Metal, Metal can cut Wood and Wood can consume Earth, as demonstrated in the figure 8 [18].

Figure 9: Chakras’ energy centers and the Five massive organs in TCM and the results of all the three patients reported in this article were in the lowest level of energy.

  The study of the chakras is also used in the daily practice of the author. The chakras correspond to the five elements within the Five Elements theory and are described and studied in many articles, one of the is The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use written by Christopher Chase [19].

  Chakras are main points of energy concentration. There are seven main chakras present in the body and their relationship among themselves is extremely important for the body’s health. As there are seven chakras and five elements, the seventh chakra is ruled by the first (Wood or Liver), and the sixth chakra is ruled by the second (Water or Kidney). The fifth chakra is ruled by Earth (Spleen-Pancreas), the fourth is ruled by Metal, or Lung, the third is ruled by Fire or Heart. The second is ruled by Water or Kidney and the first chakra is ruled by Wood or Liver [6-13].

  This means that all patients reported in this article won’t have energy in the Kidney, to produce Yin and Yang (second chakra) and won’t have energy to absorb adequately the foods they are ingesting to produce Blood (fifth chakra) and regulate the transmission of the Blood thought out the body (third chakra) and won´t have energy to distribute to this energy Qi though the body (first and fourth chakra). That is why all the internal energy formation in their body were completely impaired and the replenishment of this energies were primordial to the recovery of all these three cases reported in this article, to do not have complications and have a faster recovery treating the root of the problem and not just the symptoms [6-13].

  To introduce the energy deficiencies, the author would like to show a study she did in her clinic between the years 2015 and 2020 where she measured the chakras’ energy centers of among 1000 patients, analyzing 409 files records. She could notice that almost 90% of my patients had no energy in all massive organs (Liver or first chakra, Heart or third chakra, Spleen or fifth chakra, Lung or fourth chakra, Kidney or second chakra), including children, young adults and oldest people. This means that 90% of my patients had no energy in any of the five massive organs. The author believes that these energy deficiencies are not a thing that is happening only with her patients in the city she lives but it is something that is all the people in the whole world but more researches in this field needs to be done to see if the whole population in this world is suffering from this lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers. In the article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection, in course of publication in some days, the author is explaining in this article the possible phenomena involved in this lack of energy in the population and could be related to 5G technology among others [20].

  Zaporozhan and Ponomarenko in the article entitled Mechanisms of geomagnetic field influence on gene expression using influenza as a model system: Basics of physical epidemiology and also the doctor Thomas Cohen showed that the diseases, including the epidemics could be related to the electromagnetic waves and the 5G technology [21].

  In the article Health risks from radiofrequency radiation, including 5G, should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest, written by Lennart Hardell, published online by Oncology letter in June 2020, the author is talking about the implementation of the 5G technology without the proper investigation the risks involved to the human health and also to the entire environment. In a petition in 2017, to the European Union, in September 2017, endorsed by 390 scientists and medical doctors, it was requested to evaluate possible negative effects of the 5G to our health but the risks were ignored by the Switzerland and a recent publication from The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection. It seems in this article that there are conflicts of interest and ties to the industry seem to have contributed to the biased reports. And the lack of proper studies evaluating the risk evaluation of 5G technology places population at risk and they characterize this activity as scientific misconduct [22].

Ages Chakras

2 - 19

20 - 59

60 - 80





























Total of patients




Main Western diagnoses






Knee pain

Main Chinese diagnoses






Yin/internal Heat


Yin/Yang/internal Heat

Table 2: Chakras’ energy and main diagnoses.

  In every infectious process there is a fight for energy inside our body to try to eliminate the external pathogen, causing a consumption of this energy that is already in the reserve to occur. The infection only triggered a condition that the patient already had, caused by the increase in energy consumption that was already at the limit. As showed in the table 2, the author did a research from 2015 and 2020, studying and measuring the chakras’ energy centers of 1000 patients in her clinic and what she review in this research was that, from 409 files that she analyzed from this group, almost 90 percent of the patients does not have any energy in any chakra from one to six, this means that the internal massive organs that are responsible for the production of internal energy of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood to maintain health state were in the lowest level (rated one out of eight). For this reason, the invasion of the external pathogenic factor leads a disequilibrium in the internal energies, consuming the remaining energy that was already low, leading to many different clinical manifestations, depending on each energy imbalance of each person, the reserve of energy, in this case, the Zheng-Qi that protects the body against this invasion and the potential for recovery after one infectious disease process [23].

  According to Hippocrates, diseases is a natural process and signs and symptoms of diseases were caused by natural reactions of the body to the disease process and the function of the physician is the aid the metabolic imbalance and restore the health and harmony to the organism [5].

Figure 10: First chakra affected by the invasion of external pathogenic factor.

  The first organ to be affected in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 is the Lung. So the first symptom that could appear is anosmia because the Lung is an internal massive organ responsible for the sense of smell (anosmia). When the external pathogen is not blocked by the internal energies due to weak energy state, the external pathogenic factor can internalize, and the next massive organ that could be affected is the Spleen and Stomach. The patient in this stage can lose his taste because the internal massive organ that is responsible for the sense of taste is the Spleen, according to the table 3 [24].

  The Yin and Yang energies are produced in the second chakra on the Kidney. The fifth chakra absorbs nutrients and is where the Blood is formed and it is stored in the first chakra which is the Liver and is commanded by the third chakra which is the Heart. The distribution of energy, or Qi, occurs in the first chakra which is the Liver and the fourth chakra which is the Lung [6-13].

  In order for Blood distribution in the body to occur, the transmission of these 4 energies (Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood) depends on the internal massive organs functions (Kidney to produce Yin and Yang, Spleen to absorb and produce Blood, Liver and Lung to distribute the Qi) and as the author showed in all her three cases reports, all the three massive organs were without energy, the same result showed in the table 2 [6-13].

  In TCM, these external pathogenic factors are believed to invade when the body of the patient’s is weakened in energy (Zheng Qi) that consists in the energy of the Kidney (second chakra) and also from the diet (fifth chakra). Traditional Chinese medicine literature understand Zheng Qi as the ability of the organism to protect itself from the influences of the external pathogenic factors, exposed in the tree metaphor, in the figure 1, as well as the ability of the organism to recover after damaging influences or energy imbalances caused by emotional distress or a bad diet [23].
















Late Summer





Summer Heat










Yin Organ






Yang Organ

Gall Bladder

Small Intestine


Large Intestine












Skin &Hair


























Table 3: The five elements and the five massive organs in TCM.

It is a term of TCM that is preserved in the Kidneys, is inspired by nature, and comes from consumed water and rice [25].

  An energy imbalance occurs as a result of breakage of the relationship between real power and pathogenic power (Zheng Qi - Xie Qi). When the balance is disturbed, the Yin and the Yang no longer fit, and the body becomes vulnerable to the damaging effects of a pernicious influence. For TCM, the root of most diseases is a serious imbalance of the various energy systems of the body organs and the lack of overall functional harmony of the entire structure, which occur unfailingly when an organic imbalance exists [23].

Figure 11: Arndt-Shultz law.

  Another important fact that could reduce the energies of the organs is the use of high concentrate medications that must be done with caution, because according to Arndt-Shultz law small doses stimulate, moderate doses inhibit and overdoses kill. Therefore, highly diluted medications would improve organic processes, while high concentrations would be harmful for health, decreasing the vital energy and can even cause death, according to this law, created by two German researchers in 1888, and demonstrated in the figure 11 [25].

  As showed in the second case report, the patient had fatigue only after the use of the high concentrate medications, only after 18 days of the initial manifestation of the infection. Beside all this, this patient had all the co-morbidities that could lead him to a bad evolution (Berger's disease leading to loss of protein in the urine, hypertension, implant in the teeth, prostate cancer) of this infections, but as he was treating his internal energy deficiency in his chakras for two years, he had only mild symptoms during the SARS-CoV-2 infection Analyzing all this risk factors demonstrated by the author, she is affirming some risks factors that is normally said by the literature nowadays, because all these factors have the same factor in common, that is the lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers. In the article entitled Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension, written by the author, she id demonstrating that patients with hypertension, have chakras’ energy centers without energy and could be the cause of the formation of hypertension, in the energy point of view. The treatment and replenishing these chakras’ energies with highly diluted medications such as homeopathies and crystal-based medications can lead to normalization of the hypertension and could reduce the use of highly concentrated medications that could maintain the hypertension process due to reduce the vital energy, demonstrated in the figure 11 of Arndt Shultz law. The second risk factor demonstrated by the author was the dental implant this patient suffered in 2000, inserting a titanium implant in one of his teeth [26].

  According to the article Can Biomaterial Surgical Implants Influence the Body’s Health? published by Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, written by the author and published on September 2019, the author is demonstrating in this article, that all metal implants inside the body can reduce the vital energy of the human body, and can lead to formation of other diseases in the future such as diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction and even cancer, among other diseases. And this patient had prostate cancer after 14 years after this dental implant [27].

  According to TCM, cancer is formed by the deficient in energy and formation of internal Heat, as demonstrated in the article written by the author entitled The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer, published by Advances in Cancer Research and Clinical Imaging on September 2020, she is demonstrating in this article that what cancer patients has in common, is the lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers and the replenishment of this lack of energy, using highly diluted medications such as homeopathies, according to the theory created by her entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, published by Acta Scientific Medical Sciences on July 2020 [18,28].

  The third case report, she did not have any improvement with the high concentrate medications to treat her shortness of breath using anti-allergic medications, corticosteroids and inhaled capsules due to the hypothesis of asthma attach, as the patient had history of treating asthma since child. This patient did the radiesthesia procedure only after she had this fatigue symptom and revealed that all her chakras’ energy was in the lowest level of energy (rated one out of eight). According to the article written by the author entitled The Treatment of Asthma Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy, published by Journal of Pediatrics and Infants on May 2018, the author is demonstrating that many times, the symptom of shortness of breath presented by the patients, very common in Asthma patients, could not be related to the problem in the Lungs, but can be due to the lack of energy in the Kidney. In this article, the author is proposing the use of highly diluted medications, instead of highly concentrated medications as this shortness of breath is induced by the lack of energy in the Kidney, the treatment should be focused in replenishing the energy of the Kidney, to improve the shortness of breath [7].

  In another article written by the author entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment, published by Journal of Infectious Diseases and Case Reports on December 2020, the author is demonstrating in this article, that patients with shortness of breath post COVID 19 treatment, could be due to the lack of energy in the chakras’ energy centers, and the treatment of this condition needs to do the replenishment of the chakras’ energy centers, because in TCM, one massive organ depends on the energy of the organ that precedes him, according to the generation cycle theory, showed in the figure 8, on the left. This same patient reported in this article had also extreme fatigue symptoms [6-13].

  In the article written by Xiaoyan Zhang entitled Advances in Clinical Research on Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, published on Evidence Based Complement Alternative Medicine, on December 2020, the author is demonstrating that chronic fatigue is the most common chronic disease in the modern society, but the etiology and pathogenesis is still unclear [29].

  The author did a presentation entitled Apex Ear Bloodletting, Restriction of Dairy Products, Psychotropic Medication and Energy Disturbances in Patients with Depression Treated with Auricular Acupuncture - A Double Blind Study, presented at 8th World Conference on Acupuncture WFAS Sydney, Australia, on November 2013 and published at Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders in 2019, where the author is saying that according to TCM point of view, depression is related to energy deficiencies of Yin or Yang or Qi and/or Blood or a combination of all these energies and the treatment of these disharmonies can lead to an improvement of depression symptoms [30].

  In another article written by the author entitled Why Do Patients Still have Anxiety Symptoms Despite the Use of Psychotropic Medications, published by Archives of Neurology and Neuro Disorders in 2019, she is affirming that depression and anxiety have the same root that are the energy deficiencies but in the case of anxiety, there is formation of internal Heat, if the energy deficiencies are not treated leading to the anxiety manifestations [17].

  The author is saying about depression and fatigue as the same root at this moment, because the name that Western medicine gives for different manifestations (fatigue and depression) has the same root, that are the energy deficiencies [29,30].

  In the article entitled Traditional Chinese Medicine for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome written by Rui Chen, published on Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, on March 2008, the author is saying that the treatments in fatigue syndrome are focused in invigorating the Qi and Yang, nourishing Yin and Blood and clearing the Heat. In this study, the author is doing the same treatment in her patients with fatigue post Covid-19 treatment, using highly diluted medications to improving organic process and the vital energy. As she demonstrated in many studies, quite all her patients that she was attending in her clinic in Brazil have chakras’ energy centers in the lowest level, rated in one out of eight, demonstrated in the table 2 [4].

  In the case of patient of case 2, he was using the medications to replenish the chakras’ energy centers for more than one year, but the majority of time, using only crystal-based medications. The single dose of homeopathies was used by him only when the author goes to his clinic to treat her teeth. But when he was complaining severe fatigue after the COVID-19 treatment, the author used homeopathies in the potency of 10.000CH XX-20 ml, as she gave to him the potencies of 30CHXX-20 ml, 200 CHXX-20 ml and 1000 CHXX-20 ml [6-13].

  He improved his symptoms of fatigue in three days and was very thankful for the treatment done, as he could work normally again without need to do not go to work due to the weakness state of his body [6-13].

  Nowadays, there are many studies in the treatment of COVID-19 published until today. In the article entitled Drug treatments for covid-19: living systematic review and network meta-analysis, written by Reed AC Siemieniuk., et al. published by BMJ on July 2020, the author concludes in his article, that the use of corticosteroids probably reduces mortality, mechanical ventilation and ventilation. The use of Remdesivir has any impact on outcome of the patients is uncertain. The use of Hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir and interferon beta may not reduce mortality or mechanical ventilation, and they seem unlikely to have any other benefits [31].

  Considering that 90% of patients are without energy in all the chakras’ energy centers, these drugs are not recommended, because the use of this kind of drugs could induce more energy deficiencies, that according to Arndt-Shultz law, could reduce even more the vital energy of the patient leading to death in some cases. In this case, it is advisable to use only highly diluted drugs, showed in the table 4 in order to not worsen even more the energy state of the patients, increasing in this case, the internal energy that is responsible for the normal function of all organs and systems, leading to an improvement of all process without side effects that highly concentrated medications are causing nowadays. According to many publications of the author, the lack of energy is responsible for the formation of the majority of diseases, as she published in several articles of all kinds of chronic diseases [6-13].


Five Elements

Homeopathy Medications

Crystal Based Medications

1º Chakra




2º Chakra


Natrum muriaticum

Orange Calcite

3º Chakra




4º Chakra




5º Chakra


Calcarea carbonica

Blue Quartz

6º Chakra


Tone 2º chakra


7º Chakra


Tone 1º chakra

Tiger Eye

Table 4: Homeopathies and crystal based medications used in the treatment to replenish the chakras’ energy centers.

  In the case of the first patient reported, as she is a pharmacist in a homeopathic pharmacy, she preferred to use the homeopathies to treat herself and his husband too, despite he used both medications (highly concentrated and highly diluted medications) [25,32].

  Homeopathy treats the patient by the principle of similarity, for example, if the person has a cough, shortness of breath, body pain, fever, etc. the substance that causes these problems will be sought and placed in a large dilution [32].

  The homeopathic medicine Coroninum at 32CH that the patient in the first case and her husband took is made from the secretion of patients who were infected with SARS-CoV-2 and in both proved to be effective [6-13,32].

  Perhaps this homeopathy is an option to treat patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, mainly due to the fact that homeopathy does not decrease the vital energy of the patient, but studies are still lacking in relation to this homeopathy, that was created by homeopathy pharmacy in Brazil [6-13,32].

  This coroninum homeopathy according to the pharmacy that the patient in the first case works on is being prescribed as follows: As a protocol treatment at the dosage of 30 CH, three drops twice a day for three days; As homeo prophylaxis in the dosage of 200 CH, twenty drops once a week; As an auxiliary treatment in the dosage of 200 CH, twenty drops every twelve hours, for three to seven days [6-13,32].

  Moxibustion has been used in Japanese and Chinese traditional medicine for at least two millennia to treat a multitude of illnesses including fatigue. This therapy involves repeated application of brief Heat to specific points on the body. Moxibustion uses of burning moxa to stimulate certain parts or points of the body, moxa is usually made from a special herb named argy worm wood leaf. The acupuncture and moxibustion treatment can adjust organ function of traditional Chinese medicine and have various ways in which they can be chosen depending on the characters of patients [33].

  As the author said previously, fatigue is something that don’t appear in any laboratorial exams, but it is a symptom that so many people have, even without COVID-19, and the alteration are in the energy level, not visible by the naked eyes. In the article entitled Fatigue in the general population- associations to age, sex, socioeconomic status, physical activity, sitting time and self-rated health: the northern Sweden MONICA study 2014, written by Isak Engberg., et al. and published at BMC Public Heath on August 2017, the author is demonstrating that fatigue varies in duration and intensity and reduces in different degrees the ability to perform the daily activities [34].

  In the three cases reported in this article, all the three patients reported to have extreme fatigue that was not possible do the normal daily activities such as work, do exercises, sexual function, etc. and what they all had in common, were the lack of energy in all the chakras’ energy centers, from one to six, all rated in one, with the exception of the seventh chakra, that was normal (rated in eight) [6-13].

  Because as demonstrated by the author, quite all her patients do not have energy in the chakras’ energy centers and she believes that this alteration could be in all population in the world, this could be the reason that many people nowadays are having fatigue. According to the article Prevalence and factors associated with fatigue in the Lausanne middle-aged population: a population-based, cross-sectional survey, written by Coralie Galland-Decker the prevalence of fatigue is 21,9%. But according to the daily practice of the author, this number could be more [35].

  Before a disease is detected during laboratorial exams, there has already been an alteration in energy level, the patients have symptoms but the tests are still normal. There are various phases of disease progression in a healthy body, as indicated in table 5. During phases 1 to 3, only a slowing of the organ functions occurs because of energy imbalances, and the patient has and complains of symptoms, but the results of laboratorial exams are normal. At phase 4 the laboratory exams show some alterations, and the disease is still curable, and at phase 5, the exams are very altered, and the cellular damage is irreversible and the disease incurable. To have changes in the exams, the person must have spent many years with energy deficiency. The majority of patients that complaints of fatigue, they are normally in the phase one to three where there are energy deficiencies and the laboratorial exams are normal [6-13].




Energy Reserve



Slowing down of organ functions



Without critical symptoms


Slowing down of organ functions


Consumption of internal energy reserves

With Symptoms in other organ


Slowing down of organ functions


Consumption of external energy reserves

With Symptoms in same organ


Reversible cellular lesion

Little alterations

Consumption of blood reserves

Curable disease


Irreversible cellular lesion

Excessive alteration

Metabolic exhaustion

Incurable disease

Table 5: Phases from health to disease.

  The author usually does not ask for exams due to the fact that the majority of them will come with normal value but this not mean that the patient does not have anything. The patient has alterations, but at the energy point of view, not visible by the naked eyes [6-13].

  The necessity in changing the dietary aspects in all her three patients reported in this article is due to the fact that, if the patient is not absorbing the nutrient from his dietary intake, because there are energy deficiencies in the fifth chakra, the patient cannot improve if the fifth chakra is not absorbing adequately the nutrients that came from the foods. This was the reason why the author orientated the third case report patient to take out the juice that she was drinking in the morning made by raw fruits and vegetables, because this kind of juice, in the energy point of view, were causing more energy imbalances in the Spleen-pancreas meridian, leading to less absorption of nutrients and also, worsening in her case, the Kidney Yang deficiency and the ingestion of raw food in this case were worsening the two energies in the body, leading to more weakness state.

  This aspects were well described in many other articles written by the author, the last article published by her concerning COVID-19 patients, were published at Journal of Infectious Diseases and Case Reports on December 2020, in an article entitled Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies as the Cause of Dyspnea Post COVID-19 Treatment, she is explaining the other tools used in the treatment of her patients, that were based on the case of patient with leg pain and glaucoma, reported in the majority of the articles of the author, such as Chinese dietary nutrition, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and the use of moxibustion, besides other tools used such as the use of highly diluted medications such as homeopathies according to the theory created by the author entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine [18].

  The author wants to emphasize in this article that all the tools used in the treatment of fatigue post COVID-19 treatment patients, using acupuncture and homeopathic medications, both tools were considered medical specialties in Brazil. It is important to say that homeopathy was recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine in Brazil in 1980 and by the Council of Medical Specialties of the Brazilian Medical Association in 1990. Since that date, the Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Association has been conducting tests for the Title of Specialists in Homeopathy and acupuncture was recognized as a medical specialty by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) in Brazil in 1995 and has been joined by a significant contingent of physicians with great experience and already qualified in their specialties of origin [36].

Figure 12: Metaphor of Yin and Yang of Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  In this article, the author wants to emphasize the importance of increasingly integrating Western and traditional Chinese medicines, as in this metaphor with the symbol of Yin and Yang. One representing the Western medicine (Yin energy) that is materialized energy and traditional Chinese medicine represents Yang energy that is non-materialized energy and are indicated in the figure 12. Both medicines can work together to understand better how disease is formed in the deepest level, in the root of the tree, they are opposite but complementary.

  According to Hippocrates, "it is far more important to know which person has the disease than to know which disease the person has" because, knowing the type of patient, looking at their energy imbalances, you will know the best type of medicine to treat him.


  In this study, the author is demonstrating that patients with chronic fatigue after SARS-CoV-2 infection treatment have internal organs energy deficiencies prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection and they aggravated the fatigue symptoms after the treatment received and improved their fatigue symptoms using all the oriental tools (Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture, moxibustion) and replenishing these internal organs energies using highly diluted medications such as homeopathies, according to the theory created by the author entitled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, leading to an important improvement of the fatigue symptoms in patients with fatigue post COVID-19 treatment symptoms.


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Citation: Huang WL. “Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies as the Cause of Fatigue Post SARS-CoV-2 Infection Patients Treatment”. Acta Scientific Microbiology 4.6 (2021): 91-108.


Copyright: © 2021 Huang WL. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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