Acta Scientific Microbiology (ASMI) (ISSN: 2581-3226)

Review Article Volume 3 Issue 4

Mathematical Modeling of the 2019 Measles Outbreak on US Population

Durgesh N Sinha1*, Nicholas Klahn2 and Samiye Pehlivan3*

1Adjunct Assistant Professor, Temple University, Philadelphia, Strayer University, Rowan College at Burlington County, Community College of Philadelphia, Mercer County Community College, New Jersey, USA
2Senior student of Medical track, Rowan College at Burlington County, New Jersey, USA
3Sophomore student of Medical track, Rowan College at Burlington County, New Jersey, USA

*Corresponding Author: Durgesh N Sinha, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Temple University, Philadelphia, Strayer University, Rowan College at Burlington County, Community College of Philadelphia, Mercer County Community College, New Jersey, USA.

Received: March 11, 2020; Published: March 31, 2020



  This paper analyzes the 2019 measles epidemic in the United States through a developed mathematical model. We simulated our model in MATLAB using differential equations and found that in vaccinated populations, viral spread was severely hindered when compared to populations that were unvaccinated. The lack of viral prevalence was backed up by the basic reproduction number being less than one (R0 = 0.03976).

Keywords: Mathematical Modeling; Measles; MATLAB



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Citation: Durgesh N Sinha.,et al. “Mathematical Modeling of the 2019 Measles Outbreak on US Population".Acta Scientific Microbiology 3.4 (2020): 209-214.


Acceptance rate30%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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