Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 2

Evidence Based Homoeopathic Treatment in a Case of Impetigo with Administration of Similimum: Rhustoxicodendron 200 Potency

SS Ramya1*, S Sheeba2, Reshma Reghu3, S Sanju4 and JP Shimmal Chenthik1

1Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, (Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai), Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India
2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, (Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai), Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India
3Department of Community Medicine, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, (Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai), Kulasekharam, Kanniyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India
4Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, India (Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai), Kulasekharam, Kanniyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India

*Corresponding Author: S.S Ramya, Department of Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, (Affiliated to The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai), Kulasekharam, Kanyakumari District, Tamilnadu, India.

Received: January 15, 2025; Published: January 28, 2025


Impetigo is a common infectious disorder of skin. There are two forms of impetigo-bullous and non-bullous forms. The diagnosis is usually clinical. Spontaneous resolution often occurs, although antibiotic treatment is recommended and care taken to monitor for complications, such as post streptococcal glomerulonephritis in children. Immunosuppression is a predisposing factor, especially in disseminated lesion. According to the present review, we can see how the totality of symptoms workout in a case of impetigo, to cure without any external applications. As the human skin does not evolve itself, without the co-operation of the rest of the living whole, it is irrational and thoughtless to consider any skin disease as merely the disease of the skin alone in which the internal portion of the organism takes no part. Mere removal of the skin manifestation by external, mechanical, chemical or topical treatment is considered to be suppression in Homoeopathy. In Homoeopathy it is very important to distinguish between a curative and a suppressive effect because the goal of treatment is the healing of the entire person at the deepest possible level.

Keywords: External Application; Homoeopathy; Impetigo; Healing; Suppression; Similimum; Rhustoxicodendron 200


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Citation: SS Ramya., et al. “Evidence Based Homoeopathic Treatment in a Case of Impetigo with Administration of Similimum: Rhustoxicodendron 200 Potency". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 8.2 (2025): 61-64.


Copyright: © 2025 SS Ramya., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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