Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders

Research Article Volume 8 Issue 2

Clinical Outcomes of Immediate Oral Refeeding in Acute Pancreatitis: A Randomized Trial in Mild and Moderate Cases

JA Jayalal, Angeline Vincent, Velmurugan*, MR Vivek and Aravinth S

Department of Surgery, Kanyakumari Government Medical College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding Author: Velmurugan, Department of General Surgery, Kanyakumari Government Medical College and Hospital, Asaripallam, Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, India.

Received: January 15, 2025; Published: January 27, 2025


Background: Oral nutrition plays a crucial role in managing mild and moderate acute pancreatitis (AP). Early refeeding has shown significant benefits, yet the precise timing for initiating oral intake remains debated. This study aims to determine the optimal timing for oral refeeding in mild and moderate AP to minimize hospital length of stay (LOS) and complications.

Methods: A single-center, randomized controlled trial was conducted involving patients diagnosed with mild or moderate AP, admitted between February and October 2024. Participants were randomized into two groups: the immediate oral refeeding (IORF) group, where a low-fat solid diet was initiated immediately upon admission, and the conventional oral refeeding (CORF) group, where a gradual oral diet was resumed after clinical and laboratory improvements. The primary outcome was LOS, with secondary outcomes including pain relapse, diet intolerance, and complications.

Results: Eighty patients were randomized. The mean LOS was significantly shorter in the IORF group compared to the CORF group (3.4 ± 1.7 days vs. 8.8 ± 7.9 days, p < 0.001). Pain relapse occurred in 16% of the CORF group. Additionally, complications were less frequent in the IORF group (8%) compared to the CORF group (26%).

Conclusion: Immediate oral refeeding is a safe and effective approach for mild and moderate AP. It substantially reduces LOS without increasing adverse effects or complications.

Keywords: Acute Pancreatitis; Immediate Oral; Ref-Feeding


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Citation: Velmurugan., et al. “Clinical Outcomes of Immediate Oral Refeeding in Acute Pancreatitis: A Randomized Trial in Mild and Moderate Cases". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 8.2 (2025): 53-60.


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