Endoscopic Biliary Drainage of Biliopancreatic Tumors (about 270 Cases)
Samir Mrabti*, Ahlam Benhamdane, Jihane Bennas, Meryem Amine, Tarik Addajou, Reda Berrida, Sara Sentissi, Ilham El Koti, Fedoua Rouibaa and Hassan Seddik
Hepato-Gastro-Enterology Department II of Military Training Hospital Med V in Rabat- Morocco
*Corresponding Author: Samir Mrabti, Hepato-Gastro-Enterology Department II of Military Training Hospital Med V in Rabat- Morocco
August 09, 2024; Published: January 06, 2025
Background: Endoscopic biliary drainage remains the main palliative treatment for biliopancreatic cancers.
The objective of our study was to analyze the results of this drainage technique, as well as the various associated success and failure factors.
Materials and methods: From January 2002 to September 2023, 270 patients with neoplasic biliary stenosis were included in the study. Patients were divided into 3 groups: Group A for patients with proximal cholangiocarcinoma, Group B for patients with pancreatic cancer, and Group C for patients with a gallblader cancer. Only technical success was analyzed. This success was defined as the placement of biliary stent covering the entire stenosis. The factors studied were sex, age, type of cancer, location and appearance of the stenosis, endoscopic dilation of the stenosis before placement of the stent and finally the presence or absence of duodenal stenosis in case of a pancreatic cancer.
Results: The mean age was 64+/-11.2 years. The sex ratio M/F was 1.5. Overall technical success rate was 80%. The analysis according to the type of cancer showed that the success rate was better in pancreatic cancer (81%) compared to cholangiocarcinoma (77%); this diffence wasn’t sigificant in group C which included few patients this rate was 83% .
Conclusion: Palliative endoscopic biliary drainage is an effective method in biliopancreatic cancers. In our study, the important factors associated with success are low located stenosis, the prior dilation of the stenosis and the absence of duodenal stenosis.
Keywords: Biliary Cancer; Pancreatic Cancer ; Gallbladder Cancer ; Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
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