Assessing Visualization Quality of Bile Duct Stones: Supine Vs Semi-Prone Position
Nayab Mustansar*
Department of Radiology, CMH PESHAWAR, Pakistan
*Corresponding Author: Nayab Mustansar, Department of Radiology, CMH PESHAWAR, Pakistan.
May 17, 2024; Published: July 19, 2024
Objectives: This study aimed to compare the visualization quality of bile duct stones between the supine and semi-prone positions using ultrasound.
Study design: It is a cross-sectional prospective study carried out in the Radiology department of CMH Peshawar for a span of five months from January 2024-May 2024.
Setting: Radiology department of CMH Peshawar.
Study duration: 1st January 2024- 15th May 2024.
Methodology: A total of 100 patients with suspected choledocholithiasis were included using a non-probability purposive sampling method for this study. Each patient underwent a comprehensive assessment including medical history and physical examination. Subsequently each patient underwent ultrasound in both the supine and semi-prone positions. The visualization quality of bile duct stones was assessed by experienced radiologist (5 years post specialization experience). Comparative analysis in both positions was calculated. Statistics patient demographics in both positions (supine and semi-prone) was calculated. Results: The visualization quality of bile duct stones was significantly higher in the semi-prone position compared to the supine position in ultrasound.
Conclusion: In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the semi-prone position provides better visualization of bile duct stones compared to the supine position.
Keywords: Common Bile Duct (CBD); Ultrasound; Supine; Semi-Prone Position
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