Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS)(ISSN: 2582-1091)

Research Article Volume 7 Issue 1

Peculiarities of the Acid-Producing Function of the Stomach in Patients with Giant Ulcers of the Duodenum and Pyloric Canal

RA Sokolov1*, EV Stolyarchuk1, AN Kosenkov1, IA Vinokurov2 and MI Bokarev1

1IM. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation
2S.S. Yudin Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russian Federation

*Corresponding Author: RA Sokolov, IM. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Received: November 10, 2023; Published: December 20, 2023


The aim of our study was to investigate the nature of gastric acid production in patients with giant (more than 20 mm) duodenal ulcers and with pyloric duodenal ulcers, as well as its features and the degree of vagus nerve influence on hypersecretion in two groups of patients. We studied the acid-producing function of the stomach in 65 patients with giant pyloroduodenal ulcers. Patients were divided into two groups on the basis of ulcer defect localisation: in 28 patients the ulcer defect was determined in the duodenal bulb without involvement of the gatekeeper, and also in the postbulbar section and in 37 patients the defect was localised in the area of the gatekeeper with transition to the proximal section of the bulb. Gastric secretion was investigated by aspiration-titration method with stimulation according to A. Kay and «imaginary root». Kau and «sham feeding», according to O. Noring. The obtained results of studying the acid-producing function of the stomach in patients with giant pyloroduodenal ulcers. According to the results of our study, both basal hypersecretion and excessive acid production in response to maximal stimulation by histamine and modified sham feeding were observed in patients with pyloric canal ulcers and with duodenal bulb ulcers. Patients with bulb ulcers showed greater stimulation by sham feeding than patients with pyloric canal ulcers. Patients with pyloric canal ulcers showed a greater secretory response under maximal histamine stimulation than patients with bulb ulcers. In summary, we determined that patients with giant duodenal bulb ulcers have a hyperreactive (vagal) pattern of acid production. On the contrary, in patients with giant ulcers of the pyloric duct a non-vagus type of stimulation of gastric secretion was observed.

Keywords: Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer Disease; Acid Production; Giant Ulcers; Gastric Secretion; Pyloroduodenal Ulcers


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Citation: RA Sokolov., et al. “Peculiarities of the Acid-Producing Function of the Stomach in Patients with Giant Ulcers of the Duodenum and Pyloric Canal".Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 7.1 (2024): 37-41.


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