Intestinal Obstruction Due to Duodenal Malrotation Successfully Managed by Duodeno-jejunal Derivation on Roux's Loop
Shailesh Khandekar1* and Revati Khandekar2
1Assistant Professor, General Surgery, N.Y. Tasgaokar Institute of Medical Sciences, Karjat, Maharashtra, India
2PPC MO, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation Hospitals, Mumbai, India
*Corresponding Author: Shailesh Khandekar, Assistant Professor, General Surgery, N.Y. Tasgaokar Institute of Medical Sciences, Karjat,
Maharashtra, India.
November 14, 2022; Published:
November 25, 2022
Superior Mesentric Artery Syndrome (SMAS) is a rare entity due to compression of the duodenum between the SMA and Aorta. Very rarely, this syndrome can be present in a pre-existing anatomy of congenital malrotation of the duodenum. We describe case of the intestinal obstruction in a 21-year-old woman due to undiagnosed congenital duodenal malrotation presenting with SMAS. The current literature, diagnostic modalities and management options are discussed.
Keywords: Congenital Duodenal Malrotation; Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome; Wilkie Syndrome; Arteriomesenteric Occlusion of the Duodenum
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