Nurhasan Agung Prabowo1,2*, Hana Indriyah Dewi1, Adhiziti Naluriannisa Edya Nugraha2, Rianita Marthasari2 and Basundara Aditya Hernawan2
1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author: Nurhasan Agung Prabowo, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia and Universitas Sebelas Maret Hospital, Indonesia.
Received: May 31, 2022; Published: June 15, 2022
Introduction: Severe upper abdominal pain is one of the symptoms of acute Pancreatitis that often appears in other diseases such as peptic ulcer, acute hepatitis, cholangitis, and cholecystitis. Acute gallstone-induced Pancreatitis has considerable morbidity and mortality. A good anamnesis and physical examination can help establish a more precise diagnosis and management.
Case: A 50-year-old male came to the emergency room with a significant complaint of severe abdominal pain in the right upper abdomen for three days that was getting worse. VAS score 8-9. The history of the disease is previously unknown. Blood pressure when coming 141/102 mmHg, pulse 98 x/ min, temperature 36.4ºC. Abdominal CT scan results obtained the results of images of Pancreatitis and multiple stones in the cystic duct. Serum amylase and lipase results were very high at 1897 U/L and > 3000 U/L. Patients were then referred to the digestive surgery department on the 2nd day of treatment for further treatment.
Discussion: Acute pancreatitis caused by gallstones is usually caused because stones get stuck in the branching of the pancreatic duct. Obstruction at the site causes bile reflux into the pancreatic duct. Small gallstones increase the risk of Pancreatitis because they move quickly between the bile ducts. In this patient, it is suspected to have had a previously unknown history of DM, which is one of the causes of worsening the condition.
Conclusion: Early diagnosis enforcement is essential in acute pancreatitis cases because it will affect patients' initial management of emergencies. Initial management includes fluid resuscitation and detection of local and systemic complications, and decision-making for procedural intervention measures.
Keywords: Acute Pancreatitis; Cholecystitis; Diabetes Mellitus Type 2; Cystic Duct; Gallstones
Citation: Nurhasan Agung Prabowo., et al. “Acute Pancreatitis in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus"Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 5.7 (2022): 54-58.
Copyright: © 2022 Nurhasan Agung Prabowo., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.