Huang WL*
Department of Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil
*Corresponding Author: Huang WL, Department of Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Medical Acupuncture, Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.
Received: April 27, 2022; Published: June 15, 2022
Introduction: Abdominal pain is an important symptom that brings the patient to the doctor and it deserves the care in evaluation. A skill physician can identify the cause of abdominal pain from the history in 80 to 90% of the cases and to achieve this purpose, it is very important to understand the physio pathogenesis of the formation of abdominal diseases that can produce pain. In traditional Chinese medicine, abdominal pain can come from energy deficiency and formation of internal Heat (the cause of this pain).
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to demonstrate another form of physiopathology to produce abdominal pain that we cannot search by any form of laboratory or radiological exams, because they are related only to energy alterations inside the human body, that it is not visible by the naked eyes.
Methods: Through two cases reports of women (65 and 39 years old) respectively with abdominal pain with no cause. They both did all the laboratory exams, abdominal ultrasound. The first patient was also submitted to a surgery because the physician thought it could be acute appendicitis but even with surgery, the patient still continues to have pain. The second patient also have abdominal pain and was using many kinds of pain killers and only worsening her case after the use of this kind of medications. They both went to my clinic to evaluate the possible cause of pain in the abdomen. I did the measurement of the energy of the internal five massive organs according to traditional Chinese medicine (Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs and kidney).
Results: All organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. It was instituted the avoidance of all highly concentrated medications and the treatment consisted in changing the dietary aspects according to Chinese dietary counseling (studying the energy of each food) and they both were treated using auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture. It was used homeopathy medications according to the theory Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications. They improved the abdominal pain symptoms only using this kind of therapy and no need to do any surgery.
Conclusion: This study is that there is another modality of abdominal pain caused by energy deficiency in the five internal massive organs ( that is affecting 90% of the population that I am attending in my clinic in Brazil and could be happening in the whole world) and this kind of pain should be included nowadays as one possible cause of abdominal pain because they come from energy deficiency with formation of internal Heat, the cause of this problem and the treatment rebalancing the internal energy and replenishment the energy of these organs is of paramount importance to treat the cause of the pain and not using only pain killers.
Keywords: Abdominal Pain; Energy; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Five Elements; Homeopathy; Hippocrates
Citation: Huang WL. “Energy Alterations in Patients with Abdominal Pain".Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 5.7 (2022): 38-48.
Copyright: © 2022 Huang WL. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.