Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS)(ISSN: 2582-1091)

Research Article Volume 5 Issue 5

Chronic Heavy Metal Exposure Causes Alterations in Hemopoises, Hematological Indices and Liver Biomarkers among Artisans and Petrol attendants in Jos, Nigeria

Bot YS1*, Sugun WY2, Bot DY3 and Bala NY4

1Federal School of Medical Laboratory Technology, Jos University Teaching Hospital Plateau State, Nigeria
2Jos University Teaching Hospital Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
3Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, University of Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria
4Department of Medical Laboratory Sciences Maryam Abacha American University, Maradi Niger Republic

*Corresponding Author: Bot YS, Federal School of Medical Laboratory Technology, Jos University Teaching Hospital Plateau State, Nigeria.

Received: April 12, 2022; Published: April 29, 2022


Background: Artisans such as Welders, Battery repairers, Carpenters, Tin miners and Petrol station Attendants generate oxide dusts and fumes of Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb) and Chromium (Cr) in the cause of their unregulated activities; and are exposed to these fumes either through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion. This study aims to determine the blood Cd, Pb and Cr levels and their effects on some hematological parameters and liver Biomarkers among Artisans in Jos.

Methods: Blood samples were collected from workers who were all males (n = 400), drawn from Welders, Battery repairers, Carpenters, and Petrol station Attendants with age ranging from 15-60 years, with control group (n = 200) with age range of 28-49 years. The duration of exposure was limited to between 1-8 years only. Fifteen milliliters (15ml) of blood samples were collected into 3.2% Tri sodium citrate tubes and its plasma used for Prothrombin time test and Partial Thromboplastin time with Kaolin; and into Potassium Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid tubes for Hemoglobin, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Platelets, and White Blood Cells and Differential counts; and also 10ml of blood into plain tubes for Biochemical markers assay respectively. Serum for Biochemical assays was stored frozen at -20oC pending analysis. Analysis was performed using standard methods. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social sciences version 23 and student t-test to compare means between control and study groups.

Results: Statistically high levels of hematological parameters were seen among exposed participants when compared to the non-exposed (control group);and a concomitant rise in values of serum Biochemical Biomarkers among exposed individuals. All of these findings correspond to significant increase in blood Cd (p < 0.05, 1.81 ± 0.008) and p < 0.05, 0.34 ± 0.00); Pb (p < 0.050, 0.08 ± 0.01, 0.16 ± 0.03 and 0.80 ± 0.04) and Cr (p < 0.05, 0.11 ± 0.02) among welders, car painters, battery repairs and petrol attendants respectively.

Conclusion: We therefore concluded that blood Cd, Pb and Cr levels indicate higher absorption of these metals among welders, car painters, battery repairers as well as petrol attendants in Jos,which directly impaired liver function, causing disruption of red cells production and disintegration. Regular monitoring of these heavy metals’ levels, liver function tests and routine hematological tests among occupationally exposed individuals is strongly advocated.

Keywords: Heavy Metals; Biomarkers; Artisans; Hematological; Hemopoiesis; Red blood cells.


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Citation: Bot YS., et al. “Chronic Heavy Metal Exposure Causes Alterations in Hemopoises, Hematological Indices and Liver Biomarkers among Artisans and Petrol attendants in Jos, Nigeria". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 5.5 (2022): 74-80.


Copyright: © 2022 Bot YS., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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