Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ASGIS)(ISSN: 2582-1091)

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 10

Clinical Case of a 14-Year-Old Boy with Abdominal Stem-Shaped Twisted Necrotizing Vascular Malformation

Yu Yu Sokolov1, SV Stonogin2*, EE Bibikova1, EA Tashirova2 and Zh R Omarova3

1Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Postgraduate Education, Moscow, Russia
2Municipal Clinical Childrens Hospital Named After Z.A. Bashlyaeva, Moscow, Russia
3Children's State Hospital of St. Vladimir, Moscow, Russia

*Corresponding Author: SV Stonogin, Surgical Department, unicipal Clinical Childrens Hospital Named After Z.A. Bashlyaeva, Moscow, Russia.

Received: September 13, 2021; Published: September 23, 2021


  Lymphatic malformations (LM) are benign neoplasms that form as a result of impaired formation of embryonic lymphatic sacs during embryogenesis.

A 14-year-old boy was admitted to the department of infectious diseases with complaints of fever, weakness, abdominal pain, sore throat and loose stools. Previously, the patient had complaints of abdominal pain for a year; ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity was performed repeatedly, in which no pathological changes were detected. The patient underwent laparoscopic appendectomy; During the revision of the abdominal cavity, a space-occupying lesion emerging from the mesentery of the ascending colon and twisted around the vascular pedicle by 3 turns was revealed. Education removed. Histological and immunohistochemical examination confirmed the diagnosis of lymphatic-venous malformation.

Keywords: Lymphatic Malformation; Laparoscopy; Dysembryogenesis; Intra-Abdominal Malformation; Minimally Invasive Intervention; Immunohistochemical Study; Podoplanin; Abdominal Pain


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Citation: SV Stonogin., et al. “Clinical Case of a 14-Year-Old Boy with Abdominal Stem-Shaped Twisted Necrotizing Vascular Malformation”. Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.10 (2021): 43-48.


Copyright: © 2021 SV Stonogin., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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