Peculiarities of Myocardial Remodeling in Young Obsessive Women with Arterial Hypertension
EG Mutalova*, LI Galikhanova and EG Jamlikhina
Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia
*Corresponding Author: EG Mutalova, Department of Therapy, Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia.
August 11, 2021; Published: August 23, 2021
Background/Aims: Overweight and obesity play a significant role in the development of many noncommunicable diseases, leading to a reduction in life expectancy and adversely affecting its quality. A number of studies have proven a close relationship between high blood pressure and abdominal obesity. In adult patients, it has been proven that obesity leads to an increase in the mass of the left ventricular myocardium, impaired myocardial function, which are significant predictors of unfavorable outcomes of cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the study was to investigate left ventricular (LV) structural changes in overweight and obese young women with arterial hypertension (AH).
Design and Methods: In the study, according to inclusion criteria, 108 young women of 18 - 45 years old were included. Three groups were identified: the women with obesity without AH, the women with obesity and 1st degree of AH, the women with obesity and 2nd degree of AH. All patients underwent anthropometry (height and weight) with calculation of body mass index (BMI), echocardiography was performed according to a standard procedure with calculation of LV structural indexes. The LV geometry phenotypes were determined.
Results: Echocardiography LV dimensions (posterior wall thickness, interventricular septal thickness, diastolic and systolic LV diameter), as well as LVM and LVMI were higher in obese women compared to control group. LV hyper-trophy (LVH) developed in 61,9% obese patients without AH and in 76,4% and 78,1% patients with obesity and AH. Normal LV geometry was found in 23,8% patients with obesity, concentric remodeling - in 14,3% cases, 35,7% patients had concentric LVH, and 26,2% - eccentric LVH. In obese patients with 1st degree of AH the distribution of various types of LV remodeling was as follows: 17,6%/6%/52,9%/23,5%, respectively, and in obese patients with 2nd degree of AH - 12,5%/9,4%/53,1%/25%, respectively.
Conclusion: Since young age overweight and obesity are risk factors for LVH and the development of various LV geometry phenotypes. Markers of myocardial remodeling is an affordable way of early cardiovascular risk stratification in overweight and obese young women.
Keywords: Overweight; Obesity; Left Ventricular Hypertrophy; Left Ventricular Geometry
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