Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders (ISSN: 2582-1091)

EditorialVolume 4 Issue 8

What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation?

Huang Wei Ling*

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Huang Wei Ling, Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture and Pain Management, Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.

Received: May 17, 2021; Published: July 08, 2021

Citation: Huang Wei Ling. “What Flexner Report did to Our Medicine After 100 Years of Implantation?". Acta Scientific Gastrointestinal Disorders 4.8 (2021): 01-04.

  Recently, the author is felling that we are starting a new phase of medicine due to her research in Brazil, that she concluded that the energy patterns of our patients have changed to less energy standard. In the article written by the author (2021) entitled Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? she is explaining the reasons that our population is changing the energy pattern and becoming all classified as immunosuppressed and not immunocompetent as she showed in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [1,2].

  These alterations were caused probably after the implantation of new means of communication, through the implantation of the 5G technology, reducing our internal energies and all this data was published by the author (2021) in the article entitled Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [3].

  According to the study written by Hardell and Carlberg (2020) in the article entitled Health risks from radiofrequency radiation, including 5G, should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest, they are saying that the majority of the studies that has nowadays are done by experts of cartels that always say that electromagnetic radiation does no harm health [4].

  The assessment of the patient, only from the point of view of matter, has brought a great delay in the diagnosis and treatment, and many treatments performed today are maintaining a vicious cycle of maintenance of the disease itself, as they cause a greater reduction in vital energy, such as demonstrates the Arndt Shultz Law, created in 1988 by two German scientists [5].

  In this law, researchers claim that the use of highly concentrated drugs of any kind causes a drop in vital energy. As the author reports, our world population has almost no energy, and the use of this type of medication, as the author demonstrates in some articles, one of them entitled Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis, where she is demonstrating that patients with chronic gastritis has chakras’ energy deficiencies and the use of the medications recommended nowadays to treat this condition, has caused the perpetuation of symptoms due to maintaining or worsening the condition of energy deficiency that led to the formation of the disease [6].

  Doctors around the world, a century ago, before implantation of Flexner report, mainly in the USA, practiced a more naturalistic medicine where more herbs and homeopathic medicines were used, as reported in the article The Flexner report of 1910 and its impact on complementary and alternative medicine and psychiatry in north America in the 20th century, written by Stahnisch and Verhoef (2012) [7].

  With the implementation of the Flexner report, which was initially elaborated in 1910, but fully implemented in 1913, eighty percent of those schools that followed a more naturalistic theory (phytotherapy, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy), among others, had to be closed by no longer meet the criteria of being "scientific" [7].

Today, after completing the centenary of this implantation in 2013, we can see the deleterious effects caused by this partial view of the human being [1-3,6].

  Patients, who are treated by drugs recommended by "science", have no longer obtained improvement or cure from the process. Sometimes they claim that they get worse than before starting the drug [6].

  The reason for the worsening or non-improvement of patients who are taking these medications recommended by this so-called "scientific" medicine can be explained through the Arndt Shultz Law, as mentioned in the paragraph above [5].

  In the 9th Webinar on health care - health economics and policy, the author presented the study to know which medicine we should prescribe, we need to know what type of patient we have nowadays. This speech was published in the article written by the author (2021) Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? [1].

  Currently, the type of patient we are seeing today, in a study carried out by the author between 2015 and 2020, analyzing the energy of the chakras energy centers of a thousand patients in this period, concluded that more than ninety percent of patients do not have energy in their chakras. This data is of great concern to the author (2021) and was published in the article Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [2,3].

  In another article written by the author (2021) Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past?, the author talks about the energy changes found in her patients and that the same changes could be happening in all people around the world, since the most common cause of the internal energy drop, being the constant exposure to electromagnetic energy to which the entire world population is subjected today, reducing the energy of the chakras in patients of all ages, including children, young adults and the elderly, regardless of having or no comorbidities [1].

  In articles published by the author (2020) entitled Chakras’ energies alterations in patients with chronic gastritis, the author says that the manifestation of hyperemia found in the endoscopies of patients with chronic gastritis are only a reflection of the lack of energy in the chakras and subsequent formation of internal Heat, more specifically the fifth chakra, which is responsible for the energy of the Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, thyroid gland and breasts. In this same article, the author reports 2 clinical cases of patients who had been diagnosed with chronic gastritis and were using medications prescribed by specialists, including medications called Proton Pump Inhibitors and they did not get any improvement. These patients improved their clinical condition when they underwent the treatment of rebalancing the internal energies of Yin, Yang, Qi and Blood and removal of Heat, through Chinese diet therapy and auricular acupuncture sessions with apex ear bloodletting [6].

  In addition, both patients were submitted to the radiesthesia procedure which demonstrated that most of the chakras’ energy centers were without energy, including the fifth chakra which was responsible for controlling and maintaining the functions of the Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas. They were also treated with highly diluted medicine such as homeopathies according to Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements based on Traditional Chinese Medicine [8].

  Patients with Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease also have chakra energy deficiency. The rebalancing and replacement of this lack of energy is very important to treat the cause of the disease formation and not just the symptom, as demonstrated in the article written by the author (2020) Energies Alterations and Chakras Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Crohn’s Disease and in the article also written by the author (2021) Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patient with Ulcerative Colitis [9,10].

  In another article written by the author (2020) whose title is Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Constipation, the author is saying that this symptom is just a sign in Chinese medicine that the patient is actually having Blood deficient. Therefore, to treat constipation intestinal, the doctor should do a treatment to improve the Blood supply, even if the laboratorial exams are still normal [11].

  There is a change in energy in the early stages of disease formation, in which there is a change in energy but laboratory tests are normal. Only in phases 4 and 5 of the formation of the disease, changes occur at the laboratory level and the patient could have prevented the onset of the disease if he had acted in the earlier stages of the disease [12,13].

  The reason for this speech can be explained through the Arndt Shultz law that was published in 1888 by two German researchers. In this law, they said that, highly concentrated drugs decrease vital energy and could harm health and highly diluted drugs increase vital energy and improve organic process [5].

  According to some studies in the literature such as the author Christopher (2018), through the study The Geometry of Emotions: Using Chakra Acupuncture and 5-Phase Theory to Describe Personality Archetypes for Clinical Use, Christopher correlates the energy of the chakras with the correspondence of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine. These data were written by the author (2021) and published in articles Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection and in the article Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [2,3].

  In another article written by the author (2021) Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? the author talks about the alterations found in her patients in terms of energy and that these alterations could be happening in patients all over the world, as the main cause of the drop in energy is due to constant exposition to electromagnetic waves to which almost the entire population is subjected, including babies, children, adolescents, adults and the elderly [1].

  This partial and non-holistic view of the human being has led to a lot of suffering on the part of the patient, who often does not see their problem solved and to have a healthier and disease-free life. The use of highly concentrated medicines of any kind has brought an even greater reduction in vital energy, leading to the formation of internal Heat (which is the alteration behind many diseases in Western medicine such as anxiety, diabetes, panic syndrome, hypertension, infection, dermatitis, gastritis, crohn´s disease, cancer, etc) [5,12-16].

  In the article published by the author (2021) Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past? the author said that the population we have today does not have the same energy pattern as the population of six, seven years ago, which was published in the study (2021) Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection [1].

  Therefore, to deeply study where diseases start, we must understand the process of disease generation based on the generation of the energy level, which is usually located at the root of the tree, demonstrated in several publications by the author [12-16].

  For this, new reforms in the medical curriculum need to be reassessed because the doctors we are training these days, no longer meet the needs of our current population, which is very sick. High-concentrated medications will only cause greater energy deficiency, worsening symptoms and potentially causing other illnesses [1].

  According to Hippocrates, we must treat the patient and not the disease. Another quote said by him is that “disease is a natural process; that the signs and symptoms of a disease were caused by the natural reactions of the body to the disease process and that the chief role of the physician was to aid the natural resistance of the body to overcome the metabolic imbalance and restore health and harmony to the organism” [17].

  Treating the root, all patients' symptoms will improve at the same time being physical or emotional, in all specialties, even if the doctor do not know that the patient had such disease. This theme was presented by the author at the 2015 Acupuncture Research Conference that was held at the Harvard Medical School, in Boston (USA). This theory was based on the story she tells in all her presentations and in the scientific publications about the patient that have leg pain and improved from the glaucoma condition using this therapy, published in several articles [12-16].

  The author would like to thank Acta Gastro for this opportunity to transmit this information to all physicians around the world, to know the changes in the energy characteristics of our patients and to be able to understand the type of medication they should have to use in this model of patient that we have today and who will probably continue to have this energy pattern in the future if something is not done by the high authorities regarding the on the improvements and studies about the influence of electromagnetic waves in our body and how we can live with them, without causing so much damage to our health [1].


  1. Huang Wei Ling. “Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past?". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports6 (2021).
  2. Huang WL. “Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19?” Journal of Vaccines Research and Vaccination 7 (2021): 018.
  3. Huang Wei Ling. “Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection". Acta Scientific Microbiology4 (2021): 167-196.
  4. Hardell L and Carlberg M. “Health risks from radiofrequency radiation, including 5G, should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest”. Oncology Letter 4 (2020).
  5. Leeser O. “Support of homeopathy by the Arndt-Schulz law”. National Center for Biotechnology Information (1953).
  6. Huang WL and Lopes M. “Chakras’ Energies Alterations in Patients with Chronic Gastritis”. Gastroenterology Open Access Open Journal 1 (2020): 20-25.
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  10. Huang WL. “Energies alterations and Chakras’ energies deficiencies in patient with ulcerative colitis”. Open Journal of Gastroenterology1 (2021): 35-42.
  11. Huang WL. “Energies Alterations and Chakras’ Energies Deficiencies in Patients with Chronic Constipation”. Journal of Gastroenterology and Digestive Diseases2 (2020): 44-51.
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  13. Huang WL. “Why Are Diabetic Patients Still Having Hyperglycemia despite Diet Regulation, Antiglycemic Medication and Insulin?” International Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorder2 (2019): 1-14.
  14. Huang WL. “Energy Alterations as the Underlying Cause of Primary Hypertension?” Journal of Nephrology2 (2019): 33-44.
  15. Huang WL. “The Importance of Treating Energy Imbalances and Chakras Replenishment for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer”. 3.1 (2020).
  16. Huang WL. “Energy Disturbances in Panic Syndrome and How Can we Treat it in Adolescence?” Journal of Neurology and Experimental Neural Science 1 (2020): 139-149.
  17. Yapijakis C. “Hippocrates of Kos, the father of clinical medicine, and asclepiades of Bithynia, the father of molecular medicine”. In Vivo 4 (2009): 507-514.

Copyright: © Huang Wei Ling. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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