Case Report Volume 8 Issue 7

Sinus Lift with Traumatic Technique Using Heterogeneous Biomaterial Associated with Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin with Immediate Implant Placement: Case Report

Lucas Ferreira Alves1, Tulauana Silva Moura2, Pamela Luenny Forte Santos2, Marcos Flaminio Carlos Júnior1, Catia Branco de Souza Araujo1, Victor Hugo Silveira Daher1, Tiago Lima Cruz1, Eric Gustavo da Silva1*, Sergio Charifker Ribeiro Martins1 and Leandro Lécio de Lima Sousa1

1ICS Departamento de Odontologia, UniFunorte-Centro Universitário Faculdades Unidas Norte de Minas, Brazil
2UNIFOR - Universidade de Fortaleza, Brazil

*Corresponding Author: Eric Gustavo da Silva, ICS Departamento de Odontologia, UniFunorte-Centro Universitário Faculdades Unidas Norte de Minas, Brazil.

Received: June 05, 2024; Published: June 27, 2024


The lack of bone structure in the posterior maxilla region complicates oral rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants. In some cases, it is necessary to first perform bone grafting surgery and, after a certain period, a second surgery to place the implants. In this context, the aim of this study was to report a bone grafting surgery to gain height and volume in the maxillary sinus using heterogeneous material associated with leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin, with the immediate placement of osseointegrated implants to avoid the need for additional surgical interventions. The result was a shorter time required for patient clearance for the placement of prostheses on the implants and fewer surgical interventions.

Keywords: Sinus Floor Augmentation; Platelet-Rich Fibrin; Bone Graft


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Citation: Eric Gustavo da Silva., et al. “Sinus Lift with Traumatic Technique Using Heterogeneous Biomaterial Associated with Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin with Immediate Implant Placement: Case Report".Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 8.7 (2024): 147-153.


Copyright: Eric Gustavo da Silva., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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