Acta Scientific Dental Sciences (ASDS)(ISSN: 2581-4893)

Case Report Volume 5 Issue 10

Champagne Bubble Test: An Authentic Method to Find Hard-to-Find Canals during Root Canal Therapy

Farid A Faruqi1, Asaad J Mirza2* and Rafique Moosa3

1Department of Operative Dentistry, Dow University of Health Sciences, Pakistan
2Department of Operative Dentistry, Baqai Medical University, Pakistan
3Department of Prosthodontics, Baqai Medical University, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Asaad J Mirza, Department of Operative Dentistry, Baqai Medical University, Pakistan.

Received: August 25, 2021; Published: September 23, 2021


  During an endodontic treatment, a dentist encounters multiple variations in the configuration of the root canal system. This morphologic variation makes many canals very difficult to find and the operating dentist has to take various measures to locate such hard-to-find canals. Champagne bubble test is a method which helps to pinpoint orifice of a hidden canal. This case report describes a similar problem rectified with the help of champagne bubble test.

  In mandibular first molars, presence of middle mesial (MML) canal with low incidence has been documented. In Pakistan, its existence has been reported as low as 3.3% which may be missed by a dentist because of various reasons including its rare occurrence, reparative dentin deposition and lack of dentist’s patience, skill and application of proper protocol for discovering hidden canals. Leaving such canals unexplored and consequently untreated, leads to failure of the whole endodontic procedure. Caries was removed in tooth # 46 and located canals; Mesiobuccal (MB), Mesiolingual (ML), Distobuccal (DB) and distolingual (DL) were accessed, working length established and were instrumented under copious irrigation. Broader buccolingual dimension of the tooth and long span between MB and ML canals were a clue for possibility of another canal in the mesial root. Despite applying all available diagnostic measures the suspected missing canal couldn’t be located. Champagne bubble test, however, succeeded to locate it.

Keywords: Champagne Bubble Test; Hidden Root Canals; Hard-to Find-Canals; Mesial Middle Canal


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Citation: Asaad J Mirza., et al. “Champagne Bubble Test: An Authentic Method to Find Hard-to-Find Canals during Root Canal Therapy”. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 5.10 (2021): 68-71.


Copyright: © 2021 Asaad J Mirza., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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