Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 4

In Hospital Outcome of Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients

Md Suhail Alam1*, Muhammad Shahabuddin2 and SM Habibullah3

1MD (Cardiology) – Thesis Part, Department of Cardiology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh
2Professor & Head, Department of Cardiology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh
3Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Hospital, Bangladesh

*Corresponding Author: Md Suhail Alam, MD (Cardiology) – Thesis Part, Department of Cardiology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Sylhet, Bangladesh.

Received: September 11, 2023; Published: September 29, 2022


Background: Patients with acute anterior myocardial infarction and diabetes have a poor prognosis.

Objectives: To see the in-hospital outcome of acute anterior myocardial infarction in diabetic and non-diabetic patients.

Methodology: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Department of Cardiology, Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College Hospital, Sylhet over a period of two years from July 2015 to June 2017. A total of 100 acute anterior MI patients (50 diabetic and 50 non diabetic) were included in this study. Acute anterior MI patients admitted after 6 hours of symptom onset or who did not receive streptokinase were excluded.

Results: Male predominance was obvious in both groups [40 (80%) versus 42 (84%); p > 0.05] in diabetic and non-diabetic group respectively. Mean age was 53.34 ± 11.32 and 54.84 ± 14.12 years in diabetic and non-diabetic groups respectively. Dyslipidemia [6 (12%) versus 6 (12%); p >0.05], Smoking [32 (64%) versus 34 (68%); p >0.05] and Family history of cardiovascular disease [6 (12%) versus 4 (8%); p >0.05] were similar among diabetic and non-diabetic respectively. Hypertension was found more among non-diabetic [27 (54%) versus 19 (38%); p > 0.05] but difference was not statistically significant. Diabetic group had more Apical Anterior MI [22 (44%) versus 19 (38%); p < 0.05] and Extensive Anterior MI [20 (40%) versus 11 (22%); p < 0.05] while non-diabetic group had more Septal MI [10 (20%) versus 3 (6%); p < 0.05] and Mid Anterior MI [10 (20%) versus 4 (8%); p < 0.05]. LV ejection fraction was found significantly low in diabetic patients [43.96 ± 5.95 versus 53.68 ± 6.36; p < 0.01]. Killip Class III was more in diabetic [24 (48%) versus 9 (18%); p < 0.01] and Killip Class I was more in non-diabetic group [18 (36%) versus 3 (6%); p < 0.01] according to Killip classification of HF which was statistically significant between the two groups. Atrial Fibrillation was more in diabetics [6 (12%) versus 1 (2%); p < 0.05] while sinus tachycardia was more among non-diabetics [20 (40%) versus 5 (10%); p < 0.05] which are statistically significant. Diabetic group had more acute MR [2 (4%) versus 0 (0%); p > 0.05] but was not significant. Death was more in diabetic group than that of non-diabetic group [7 (14%) versus 3 (6%); p > 0.05] but it was statistically not significant.

Conclusion: It is concluded from the present study that in hospital outcomes of acute anterior myocardial infarction are worse in diabetic patients than in non-diabetic patients.

Keywords: Outcome; Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction; Diabetic


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Citation: Md Suhail Alam., et al. “In Hospital Outcome of Acute Anterior Myocardial Infarction in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients". Acta Scientific Cardiovascular System 2.4 (2023): 18-25.


Copyright: © 2023 Md Suhail Alam., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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