Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 4

Trendless Sequence as a New Source of Information: A Possibility to Present it in the Form of the Compact 3D-surface

RR Nigmatullin*, VS Alexandrov and RK Sagdiev

Radioelectronics and Informative-Measurement Technics Department, Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI) Named After A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation

*Corresponding Author: RR Nigmatullin, Radioelectronics and Informative- Measurement Technics Department, Kazan National Research Technical University (KNRTU-KAI) Named After A.N. Tupolev, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

Received: February 15, 2023; Published: March 08, 2023


In this paper the authors want to prove that the trendless sequences (TLS) can be transformed to 3D-surface having only 10 statistically-significant parameters. These ten parameters can be extracted from random noise with the help of the Comparative Analysis of Positive/Negative fluctuations (CAPoNeF) method. Actually, without using of a treatment error (usually accompanying any data treatment procedure) and imposed model assumptions one can form 10-measured feature space for comparison of one random sequence with another one. This feature space can be projected to the Euclidean 3D-space having 10 statistical parameters. Comparison of these parameters associated with different noise tracks allows to use this set of the parameters for selection and other purposes associated with “standard”/reference equipment. This combined method (CAPoNeF+3D-DGI) is applied for comparison of the TLS obtained for operational amplifiers. Another example is related to transformation of acoustic signals corresponding to a "calm", "tranquil" and "storming" waves, correspondingly. Not pretending to complete description of the considered data the authors want to show that the combined method is "universal" and can be used for analysis of different data. Thanks to high sensitivity of this combined method, we can compare filtered and non-filtered data and express the difference of 10 parameters in terms of the corresponding 3D-surfaces. This method can detect easily the differences between the compared waves and represent them in the form of the 3D-surfaces also. These surfaces are convenient for detecting the differences between initial TLS(s) and sequences having hidden trends that initially are similar to each other.

Keywords: Trendless Sequences (TLS); Combination of the 3D-Discrete Geometrical Invariants (DGI) and CAPoNeF Methods; Noise of Operational Amplifiers; Comparison of Acoustic Sea Waves of Different Intensity


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Citation: RR Nigmatullin., et al. “Trendless Sequence as a New Source of Information: A Possibility to Present it in the Form of the Compact 3D-surface".Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 5.4 (2023): 23-38.


Copyright: © 2023 RR Nigmatullin., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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