Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Review Article Volume 5 Issue 2

The Green Beaver Company Expands and Operates a Challenging Global Supply Chain Implementation Plan Strategy to Brazil- A Case Study on a Canadian Company Towards Export Perspectives

Gazi Farok*

Proctor, York University and Supply Chain Research Analyst, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada

*Corresponding Author: Gazi Farok, Proctor, York University and Supply Chain Research Analyst, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada.

Received: December 24, 2022; Published: January 12, 2023


Green Beaver is an export dominated entrepreneurship. It believes their business will rapidly evolve and plans to expand their business into other countries. To grow into international markets, they have partnered up with Export Development Canada (EDC). Green Beaver’s export implementation plan is getting very much competition to enter Brazil. It has six stages of exporting, including creating an organization, seeking information on the export market, creating an export marketing plan and assessing risks, assessing regulations, creating export operations, and finally implementing it all. In global perspectives, it carries a challenging operation strategy to implement expected turnover.

Keywords: Global; Export; Operation; Strategy; Implementation


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Citation: Gazi Farok. “The Green Beaver Company Expands and Operates a Challenging Global Supply Chain Implementation Plan Strategy to Brazil- A Case Study on a Canadian Company Towards Export Perspectives". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 5.2 (2023): 50-62.


Copyright: © 2023 Gazi Farok. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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