Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Short Communication Volume 5 Issue 2

Healthcare 5.0 and Pandemic Preparedness

Radhya Sahal

CONFIRM Centre for Smart Manufacturing, University College Cork, Ireland

*Corresponding Author: Radhya Sahal, CONFIRM Centre for Smart Manufacturing, University College Cork, Ireland.

Received: September 23, 2022; Published: January 10, 2022


Coronavirus will not be the last pandemic in our lifetime because of increased population density, growing capacity to travel across the globe, environmental changes, infectious diseases that jump from animals to humans, etc. Therefore, the risk of a new pandemic is higher now than ever before [1]. However, COVID-19 has shown us the lack of smart pandemic preparedness systems in healthcare organisations.


  1. An international treaty on pandemic prevention and preparedness, (2022).
  2. R Sahal., et al. "Blockchain-Based Digital Twins Collaboration for Smart Pandemic Alerting: Decentralized COVID-19 Pandemic Alerting Use Case". Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience (2022): 7786441.
  3. Pandemic preparedness-Healthy Development (2022).
  4. P K R Maddikunta., et al. "Industry 5.0: A survey on enabling technologies and potential applications". Journal of Industrial Information Integration 26 (2022): 100257.
  5. R Sahal., et al. "Personal Digital Twin: A Close Look into the Present and a Step towards the Future of Personalised Healthcare Industry". Sensors 22 (2022): 5918.
  6. E Mbunge., et al. "Sensors and healthcare 5.0: transformative shift in virtual care through emerging digital health technologies". Global Health Journal 5 (2021): 169-177.
  7. Health 5.0: the emergence of digital wellness | by Marek Kowalkiewicz | QUT Chair in Digital Economy | Medium (2022).


Citation: Radhya Sahal. “Healthcare 5.0 and Pandemic Preparedness".Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 5.2 (2023): 30-31.


Copyright: © 2023 Radhya Sahal. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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