Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 9

Sunshine Network of New Civilized World in Sky-Earth Computing System Engineering - Sky-Earth Computing (III) Beyond Cloud Computing

Zongcheng Li1* and Dejia Li2

1Research Lab of Transdisciplinary Science, Soochow University, China
2Institute of Law, Beijing Normal University, China

*Corresponding Author: Zongcheng Li, Research Lab of Transdisciplinary Science, Soochow University, China.

Received: July 08, 2022; Published: August 30, 2022


The problem of information mechanism is not a pure technical problem, but a comprehensive and complex problem involving society, economy, technology, politics, culture and tradition. Beyond the empirical analysis of new institutionalism, it can be seen that in the old civilized world for thousands of years which has brought ancient agricultural civilization, modern industrial civilization and modern sci-technological civilization, a myriad of things are basically controlled and dominated by the three major powers of the theocracy, tyrancracy (might) and timocracy (gold right). This series of studies proposed to vigorously develop Sky-Earth computing technology and vigorously carry out Sky-Earth computing system engineering. It takes the user as the center, faces the super metaverse ecosphere based on the interconnection of all things, from the key technical system and complex system engineering to really solve a series of serious problems and disadvantages in the individual, group, society and the global scope, to ensure the fair, reasonable and effective allocation of resources in the whole society as far as possible. Therefore, from the dynamic basis, rule composition, institutional framework, information structure, decision-making mechanism and other aspects, this paper determines the synergic-wise organization mode of Internet of everything, and puts forward the dimension of multiple analysis.

Keyword: New Civilization; Super Metaverse Ecosphere; Sky-earth Computing; Citizen Autonomy; Synergetic Organization


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Citation: Zongcheng Li and Dejia Li. “Sunshine Network of New Civilized World in Sky-Earth Computing System Engineering - Sky-Earth Computing (III) Beyond Cloud Computing". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.9 (2022): 51-77.


Copyright: © 2022 Zongcheng Li and Dejia Li. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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