Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 8

Design of a Set of Interfaces to Estimate Whether Computer Games Improve User’s Skills and Abilities

Christian Baines and Emanuele Lindo Secco*

School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Liverpool Hope University, UK

*Corresponding Author: Emanuele Lindo Secco, School of Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering, Liverpool Hope University, UK.

Received: July 04, 2022; Published: August 12, 2022


This paper presents a set of interfaces to estimate the impact of playing computer games over a short period of time on players skills and abilities such as memory, reaction time and hand eye coordination. A review over other studies that have been conducted on the field with compares methodology and results is reported. The a set of 3 different systems is presented with the design of experimental protocols in order to validate such systems. Four subjects are selected at random, with all different ages and past computer game experience. These 4 subjects are all tested with the 3 proposed systems (i) before playing the computer games and (ii) after that. Results of suggest that playing computer games over a short period of time can slightly improve the reaction time and the short-term memory, as well as the hand eye coordination.

Keywords: Computer Games; Reaction Time; Memory; Hand Eye Coordination


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Citation: Christian Baines and Emanuele Lindo Secco. “Design of a Set of Interfaces to Estimate Whether Computer Games Improve User’s Skills and Abilities". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.9 (2022): 22-29.


Copyright: © 2022 Christian Baines and Emanuele Lindo Secco. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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