Literature Review Volume 4 Issue 8

Study and Comparison of the Electre I and MACUQ Methods for an Application in Life Cycle Analysis

Saïdou Ouedraogo1*, Frédéric Nikiema1, Zoïnabo Savadogo2, Somdouda Sawadogo3 and Blaise Some2

1Université de Joseph KI-ZERBO, UFR-SEA/LANIBIO, Burkina Faso

2Université Ouaga I Joseph KI-ZERBO, UFR-SEA/LANIBIO, Burkina Faso

3Ecole Normale Superieur (ENS), Burkina Faso

*Corresponding Author: Saïdou Ouedraogo, Université de Joseph KI-ZERBO, UFR-SEA/LANIBIO, Burkina Faso.

Received: June 05, 2022; Published: July 22, 2022


Life cycle analysis is a method of assessing the potential environmental aspects and impacts related to the manufacture of a product, the management of waste or the installation of a re nery. It is used as part of an eco-concept approach and does not replace environmental standards. However, it provides a means for decision-makers to compare di erent possible solutions. Indeed it is a field of scientic research (study of impacts, weightings....).The life cycle analysis allows from an aggregation function to evaluate the different indicators and to make a classification, a sorting and to choose one or more possible solutions. This is also the role played by the analysis multi-criteria decision support. The objective is to apply the multi-criteria analysis to the life cycle analysis, by proposing aggregation methods to evaluate the alternatives on the basis of the potential criteria which sometimes are divergent. However among the existing methods, some have allowed to find a compromise in a situation of choice where no solution is perfect.


Keywords: Life Cycle Analysis; MultiCriteria Decision Analysis; Aggregation-Choice of Method


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Citation: Saïdou Ouedraogo., et al. “Study and Comparison of the Electre I and MACUQ Methods for an Application in Life Cycle Analysis". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.8 (2022): 122-127.


Copyright: © 2022 Saïdou Ouedraogo., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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