Trevor Nesbit* and Daniel Sidabutar
Ara Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand
*Corresponding Author: Trevor Nesbit, Ara Institute of Canterbury, New Zealand.
Received: March 04, 2022; Published: July 18, 2022
Cloud-based accounting systems have existed for over a decade and have been adopted by many SMEs. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the benefits, risks and motivation for the adoption of cloud-based accounting systems by SMEs in a New Zealand setting. The starting point for the study was a model that was developed in the early days of cloud-based accounting systems that had a technical phase and a business phase.
Data was collected for this study through conducting interviews with participants who were experienced users of a cloud-based accounting system. These interviews included an exploration of the reasons for adopting a cloud-based accounting system, and the benefits and risks associated with using a cloud-based accounting system.
One of the key findings is the way in which security is not only perceived to be a risk of SMEs adopting cloud computing, but also a benefit. The findings will be of use to those advising SMEs on the adoption of cloud computing and will form the basis for a more extensive quantitative study.
Keywords: Cloud Computing; Accounting Software; SMEs
Citation: Trevor Nesbit and Daniel Sidabutar. “Adoption of Cloud-based Accounting by SMEs: Revisiting the Benefits, Risks and Motivations: A New Zealand Context Exploratory Study". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.8 (2022): 82-90.
Copyright: © 2022 Trevor Nesbit and Daniel Sidabutar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.