Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Mini Review Volume 4 Issue 3

The Metaverse and Digital Therapeutics

David John Wortley*

360in360 Immersive Experiences, United Kingdom

*Corresponding Author:David John Wortley, 360in360 Immersive Experiences, United Kingdom.

Received: March 04, 2022; Published: March 25, 2022


The Metaverse is the subject of much interest, speculation, publicity, and investment. The fact that a global giant such as Facebook has changed its brand identity to “Meta” speaks volumes about how the Metaverse is seen as a massive opportunity for many different types of applications, primarily seeking to develop the Metaverse as an engaging and profitable virtual environment where people can interact, socialize, do business and be entertained. It seems to be true that there has never been a better and more appropriate time in human history for a potential solution to the most pressing global challenges humanity has ever faced, such as pandemics (which limit human to human contact) and climate change (restricting the cost of travel). This article looks at the development of Metaverse technologies over the last 20 years up to the present time and explores the use of the Metaverse as a platform for digital therapeutics.

Keywords: Metaverse; Digital Therapeutics; Workrooms


  1. “Second Life Web Site”.
  2. “Second Life YouTube Recording”.
  3. “360in360 Living Memories Web 3.0 Demonstrator Applications”.
  4. “Living Memories YouTube Recording”.
  5. “VZFit Metaverse Exercise YouTube Video”.
  6. “Tripp Metaverse Mindfulness YouTube Video”.


Citation: David John Wortley. “The Metaverse and Digital Therapeutics". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.4 (2022): 69-71.


Copyright: © 2022 David John Wortley. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


Acceptance rate35%
Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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