Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Review Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Review of Active Disturbance Rejection Control-based Exoskeleton System

Nasir Ahmed Alawad*

Computer Engineering Department, Almustansiriyah, University, Iraq

*Corresponding Author: Nasir Ahmed Alawad, Computer Engineering Department, Almustansiriyah, University, Iraq.

Received: November 23, 2021; Published: February 28, 2022


Stroke is a primary contributor to decreased ability to carry out activities of daily living. Understanding and refining rehabilitation therapies to target cortical neuron plasticity to enhance recovery of upper or lower limb function has been a major emphasis. To provide regulated and assisted mobility of the paretic limb, therapists have coupled traditional therapy with the use of mechanical and robotic equipment (Exoskeleton). The capacity to deliver higher degrees of intensity and repeatable repetitive task practice through the use of intervention devices is one of the most important mechanisms for improving rehabilitation efficacy. Active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) and it is an innovative design method. In the absence of suitable models and in the presence of model uncertainty, it has been recognized as an effective control method. In this short review, the speaking specially about ADRC as new trend for Exoskeleton control system.

Keywords: Robotic Exoskeleton; Rehabilitation; ADRC; Healthcare; Control Methods


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Citation: Nasir Ahmed Alawad. “Review of Active Disturbance Rejection Control-based Exoskeleton System". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.3 (2022): 54-57.


Copyright: © 2022 Nasir Ahmed Alawad. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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