Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 3

Driver Drowsiness Detection

Hemang Thakur1, Deval Arora1, Ramkiran Sampathi1, Shree Rukmini Thumu1 and Parisa Naraei2*

1Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lambton College Toronto, Canada
2Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology Research and Innovation Center, Lambton College Toronto, Canada

*Corresponding Author: Parisa Naraei, Cestar College of Business, Health and Technology Research and Innovation Center, Lambton College Toronto, Canada.

Received: November 27, 2021; Published: February 24, 2022


CNN models are widely used to implement business solutions in the computer vision domain. In this paper, we have built a CNN based face detection model along with a facial feature detection using dlib library as accurate and light weight available libraries. This allows these models to run efficiently even on low-power devices. As a proof of concept, the paper presents a desktop application of the effective solution in the real-world scenario. In this approach, the images are captured at an interval of 0.1 seconds as the models take roughly 50 to 80 milliseconds to predict the output for a single image. As a result, the model is able to detect the driver drowsiness with an accuracy of 92.5% taking into account the state of mouth as well as eyes.

Keywords: Face Detection; Drowsy Driving; Convolution Neural Networks; Real Time Image Analysis


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Citation: Parisa Naraei., et al. “Driver Drowsiness Detection". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.3 (2022): 08-13.


Copyright: © 2022 Parisa Naraei., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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