Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 4 Issue 6

An Artificial Intelligence Based Tour Planner

Hassan Mohamed Hassan Al Ali, Mohamed Saeed Alnaqbi, Abdullah Mohamed Alkharji, Abdullah Saeed Alyamahi, Yousef Saeed AlZaabi and Yasir Hamid*

Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, United Arab Emirates

*Corresponding Author: Yasir Hamid, Abu Dhabi Polytechnic, United Arab Emirates.

Received: December 15, 2021; Published: May 30, 2022


The issue of hard planning for your trip or your vacation is paramount for most tourists, especially when they have some preferences that they want to do without tourism offices. Therefore, we intended to aid this issue by bringing in our smart trip advisor. It is a tourist industry application in the United Arab Emirates. The system operates based on the tourist's or user's preferences, such as religious tourism, luxury, shopping, adventures, and so on. The user will be able to create an account that will have his preferences and some of his information. With this, the user can log in to the application and start planning for the trip. The user will choose the city of arrival. After that, the application will suggest to him the main places that he may choose, depending on his preferences. The application will create a trip plan that has the shortest path and time for the user and also ask the user to choose the restaurants, cafes, hotels, and gift shops near each place that he or she planned to visit with the highest ratings. When the user finishes the trip, he will be able to share the trip with his friends, so they can have the same fun that he had, with the ability to edit it to be suitable for them. From this application, we hope that tourists have a wonderful experience in the United Arab Emirates with their preferences and the things that they most like.

Keywords: Ant Colony Algorithm; Algorithm; Artificial Intelligence; Heuristics; Tour Planner


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Citation: Yasir Hamid., et al. “An Artificial Intelligence Based Tour Planner". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 4.6 (2022): 04-22.


Copyright: © 2022 Yasir Hamid., et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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