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Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 11

Strengthening of an Effective eLearning Management System in Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions

Anold S Nkata*

Department of Information Communication Technology, Arusha Technical College, Arusha, Tanzania

*Corresponding Author: Anold S Nkata, Department of Information Communication Technology, Arusha Technical College, Arusha, Tanzania.

Received: September 24, 2020; Published: October 21, 2020



  The spread of the global COVID -19 pandemics has impacted the education ecosystem across the globe. Most learning institutions have experienced a substantial disruption of the academic calendars by temporarily suspending teaching and learning activities as a measure of preventing the spread of the Coronaviruses among society. Application of educational digital technology remains a knowledge gap for safeguarding the filed of education in this era. This study used a survey questionnaire to investigate the feasibility and perceptions of teachers and students of implementing effective eLearning Management System in Tanzanian higher learning institutions to transform a face to face teaching into learning practices. Findings revealed that most learning institutions require a high dedicated internet connection to implement an effective and reliable e-learning system. To enable learners to adapt to the new pedagogical learning tool, the system should support multimedia file formats to facilitates interactive learning environments. Additionally, the study recommended academic institutions to innovate their ICT infrastructures to minimize technical support.

Keywords: Education Ecosystem; eLearning Management System; Global COVID -19 Pandemics; Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions



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Citation: Anold S Nkata. “Strengthening of an Effective eLearning Management System in Tanzanian Higher Learning Institutions". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 2.11 (2020): 20-24.


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