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Acta Scientific Computer Sciences

Research Article Volume 2 Issue 10

Catch Me if You Can: Analyzing Geolocation Artifacts Left by the Tile Application on iPhones

Valentin Gazeau* and Qingzhong Liu

Sam Houston State University, Department of Digital Forensics Huntsville, Texas, USA

*Corresponding Author: Valentin Gazeau, Sam Houston State University, Department of Digital Forensics Huntsville, Texas, USA.

Received: August 12, 2020; Published: September 30, 2020



  Mobile Forensics is a branch of Cyber Forensic that gathers and analyses mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and third party applications to collect digital data of forensic value. Mobile forensic software tools mainly investigate ”typical” cell phone data such as contact information, text messages and voicemail. Most of the time, these methods ignore the data stored in third party applications. Most third-party applications mounted on Apple iOS mobile devices leave a trace with items of forensic significance. This includes records of user identity, such as passwords, timestamps, geographic locations, contact information, native data, and various media archives. One such application called Tile could potentially hold very valuable information which can be used in a digital forensics investigation such as geolocation of specific items at a given time.

Keywords: Mobile Forensics; Cyber Forensic; iPhone



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Citation: Valentin Gazeau and Qingzhong Liu. “Catch Me if You Can: Analyzing Geolocation Artifacts Left by the Tile Application on iPhones". Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 2.10 (2020): 38-43.


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