Acta Scientific Computer Sciences (ASCS)

Review Article Volume 2 Issue 3

Future of Networking and Cyber Security with Blockchain Technology

Toseef Aslam*

Department of Computer Science, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot Campus, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author: Toseef Aslam, Department of Computer Science, University of Management and Technology, Sialkot Campus, Pakistan.

Received: January 07, 2020; Published: February 26, 2020


  Blockchain Technology is characterized as a decentralized circulated record framework which is utilized to record information exchanges over various COMPUTERs. The motivation behind why this innovation has picked up fame is that you can put any advanced resource or exchange into the blockchain, the industry does not make a difference. By enabling advanced data to be appropriated yet not duplicated, blockchain innovation made the foundation of another kind of web. Initially formulated for the advanced money, Bitcoin, (Buy Bitcoin) the tech network has now discovered other potential uses for the innovation.

  In this paper we discus networking and cyber security through blockchain. We also describe the use of blockchain in different fields of computer science. There is no paper exist in networking with blockchain only some reports about this topic and also not much research papers on cyber security with blockchain.

  Blockchain innovation can be utilized to avoid any sort of information breaks, character burglaries, digital assaults or injustice in exchanges. This guarantees the information stays private and secure. There is Potential utilization of Blockchain innovation for systems administration and we are hunting down evident systems administration uses of Blockchain innovation. NASA chose to execute blockchain innovation so as to help digital security, and avert refusal of administration and different assaults on air traffic administrations. They will do this by utilizing the equivalent conveyed record innovation that is regularly connected with bit coin and other digital forms of money.

Keywords: Cyber Security; Networking; Blockchain; Use-Case of Blockchain; Decentralized Distributed Ledger System


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Citation: Toseef Aslam. “Future of Networking and Cyber Security with Blockchain Technology”. Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 2.3 (2020): 09-13.


Copyright: © 2020 Toseef Aslam. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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Acceptance to publication20-30 days

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