Abd Rahim Bin Mohamed Kifli and Nader Barsoum*
Faculty of Engineering, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
*Corresponding Author: Nader Barsoum, Faculty of Engineering, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia.
Received: December 31, 2019; Published: January 17, 2020
Overpower may cause fıre, explosıon, and damages to the applıances that happen because of overload. thus, this paper purposes a new form of protectıon system at home usıng wifi to monitor the current usage and control the on/off of the applıances vıa mobıle phone. Thus a prototype is developed using NodeMCU as the microcontroller, 4-channel relay board as switchs, led to represent home applıances and ACS712 as a current sensor. NodeMCU has wifi module ınside it that able the wifi connectıon. ACS712 current sensor measures the current based on the on/off of the applıances. When the current measured reaches the current limit set in the code, the push notificatıon wıll be send to the user via mobile phone and user have to turn off the applıances from his mobıle phone to avoıd overload. the current limit is set less than the maxımum rated current of the circuit to acknowledge a pre-protectıon to the applıances. For the interface wıth the mobıle phone, blynk applıcatıon is used whıch able the control of the hardware and visualize the sensor data via mobıle phone. Perhaps this development is best to be ımplemented on the extension board which often face overpower
Keywords: Relay; Protection; Appliances; Overpower; Wifi; Blynk; Mobile; Prototype
Citation: Abd Rahim Bin Mohamed Kifli and Nader Barsoum. “Pre-Protection of Home Appliances from Overpower Using Mobile Phone”. Acta Scientific Computer Sciences 2.2 (2020): 10-14.
Copyright: © 2020 Abd Rahim Bin Mohamed Kifli and Nader Barsoum. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.