Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Short CommunicationVolume 3 Issue 7

Left Hydronephrosis on the Diaphragm of the Ureteral Pyelojunction About a Case

Nizar Cherni1, Abdallah Chaachou1, Wael Ferjaoui2*, Mohamed Dridi1 and Samir Ghozzi1

1Department of Urology, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia
2Department of General Surgery, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia

*Corresponding Author: Wael Ferjaoui, Department of General Surgery, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia.

Received: May 26, 2022; Published: June 06, 2022

Ureteral valves represent a rare etiology of upper tract obstruction and can be discovered at any age [1]. The diaphragm is an anatomical form of the valves that occupies the entire circumference of the excretory tract. We report the first case described in the literature of syndrome of the pyelo-ureteral junction on the diaphragm.


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Citation: Wael Ferjaoui., et al. “Left Hydronephrosis on the Diaphragm of the Ureteral Pyelojunction About a Case". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 3.7 (2022): 16-17.

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