Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports

Research ArticleVolume 3 Issue 4

Features of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Diffuse and Intestinal Gastric Cancer According to a Urease Test, Operated Under the Conditions of "Multidisciplinary Medical Center" of Nur-Sultan

Stefanov II1,2, Kulmambetova GN3, Zholdybaeva EV3, Zharkeneva MB1,2, Gubskaya EB2, Pirozhenko OL2, Amangeldina AA Kukanova AM1,2*, Bekisheva AT1,and Makishev AK1,2

1NJSC "Astana Medical University", Nur-Sultan
2"Multidisciplinary Medical Center", Nur-Sultan
3RGP "National Center of Biotechnology" KN MES RK, Nur-Sultan

*Corresponding Author: Kukanova AM, NJSC "Astana Medical University", Nur-Sultan.

Received: December 23, 2021; Published: March 21, 2022


Helicobacter pylori was discovered by Australian scientists B. J. Marshall and J. R. Warren in 1983, which caused incredible progress in gastroenterology [1]. In scientific studies, as well as in 1994, the International Agency for Research on Cancer attributed helicobacter infection to carcinogens of the first order [2,3]. The Lauren classification, proposed back in the 60s, divided gastric adenocarcinoma into two main histological types: 1-well-differentiated or intestinal type, and 2-undifferentiated or diffuse type [4]. According to literature sources [5], diffuse gastric cancer arises from the normal gastric mucosa without any precancerous stage and is often not associated with Helicobacter pylori. Others [6] also indicate that when 1246 patients with various Helicobacter pylori-associated gastroduodenal diseases were observed for 8 years, stomach cancer was detected in 36 (2.9%) of them, including 23 cases with intestinal and 13 with its diffuse form. According to [7], the infection rate of patients with stomach cancer in the Orenburg region of Russia with various histological forms of stomach cancer is 85.7% of cases with G2 gastric adenocarcinomas, in 61% of cases of ring-cell cancer, in 50% of cases of G3 and G4 gastric cancer, in 45% of cases of highly differentiated gastric adenocarcinomas and in 70% of cases with other histological forms of stomach cancer. In our study, we tried to clarify the situation of the relationship of diffuse stomach cancer with Helicobacter pylori infection in patients operated in the MMC of Nur-Sultan.

Keywords: Diffuse Gastric Cancer; Intestinal Gastric Cancer; Helicobacter pylori; Infection


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Citation: Kukanova AM., et al. “Features of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Diffuse and Intestinal Gastric Cancer According to a Urease Test, Operated Under the Conditions of "Multidisciplinary Medical Center" of Nur-Sultan". Acta Scientific Clinical Case Reports 3.4 (2022): 64-67.

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